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    Photo Books: Get Creative!

    Over the past several years a big craze has popped up, especially among women and families, photo books. The reason photo books are becoming so popular is because you can take all of the precious memories that your [&hellip

    8 tips for designing great posters

    Posters have been around from the time of Jules Cheret, the father of   posters, and intriguingly, some of the things that worked back then still work today. A sharp departure from the 1800s, however, is that posters are [&hellip

    Designing your own website

    Do you have a great website idea? Whether it is a business website or a hobby website, designing the site can be a difficult process to do on your own if you have no previous experience. If you [&hellip

    Big data platforms comparison

    The collection and analysis of data plays a vital role in the success of any company. Some companies collect so much data that their computers can’t handle it, and making sense of it all is next to impossible [&hellip