Photo Books: Get Creative!
Over the past several years a big craze has popped up, especially among women and families, photo books. The reason photo books are becoming so popular is because you can take all of the precious memories that your family has captured and put them in a book that you design yourself. You can create a book that is simple, elegant or one that shows off the photos one a special vacation you took with your loved ones. All over the internet you can find companies that can do this for you but before you start, make sure you have a clear idea of exactly what you are wanting.
Educational? Yes, you can do that too!
One idea that people do not always think of when you say “photo books” is something that can be used as a teaching tool for your little ones. When you walk into a book store and look at books for toddlers you will find books where it has a different number on each page or a different object. Instead of buying a book that someone else has already made, why not make one that has your child and their own toys in it?

Image credit: Printzone
There are tons of different educational books that you could create; from children-friendly cookbooks with lavish, full-colour photos of healthy (or not!) treats, to comics that can teach various lessons in a fun way, and even turn your picture books into a fun game that includes colouring in and pattern-recognition.

The Circus!
When going on vacation families always have one type of camera with them, whether it is a cell phone or a digital camera. Why not take those fun memories and put them into a digital book that reflects what kind of fun you had?
Don’t forget about those small day trips you go on as well!
l Circus: Make a book as bright and as colorful as a clown
l Zoo: Add cartoon animals on different pages
l Beach: Don’t forget about your time in the sand!
New Family Member
Its always a busy time when you are expecting a new baby to join the family, whether it’s your first child or your third. Things have to be moved around, doctors’ appointments to go to, baby showers to throw and so much more.

One book that any member of the family can make is a special book that includes the progress of the pregnancy and special events that happen. Ideas to include in this special book is:
l Ultrasound pictures
l Mom with a baby belly
l Baby shower pictures
l After baby is born
l First day home from the hospital
The reason this is a special book to do is because not everyone thinks about it but it’s one that you can keep around for years to come.
Now it’s time to be creative!
Here are a few samples of what you can do with digital books (just scroll down).
When doing a photo book the first thing you need to do is figure out what you want in the book. There are tons of ideas floating around but only you can decide exactly which one you want to do!

After you figure out what type of book you are going to do you need to sit down and get all the photos you want to put in it together. If you are doing a specific theme such as the day you went to the circus, you wouldn’t want to accidentally add in a picture from a vacation to the beach. Don’t forget to scan in any pictures that are not currently on your computer that you want to include into your new book.
Upload those photos! Simple as that
Now if you followed the steps above, this next part should be easy. Start creating your new photo book. Explore all your options and see what presets you can use; these will come in handy on each page. Now it’s all up to you! Don’t forget to be creative when it comes to this and make sure that you love what you are making. If you are some one that loves colors, make it that way but if you like things simple and elegant do so.