Common WordPress design mistakes to avoid
WordPress stands out as the most popular of all open source CMS platforms available at the moment. The platform is used for millions of sites because of the fact that there are thousands of great plugins and themes that are available. The problem is that because of the diversity present we see many that make design mistakes.
When you create a site with the use of WordPress, make sure that you avoid the following mistakes. According to Platinum Web Marketing a Las Vegas web design company, besides the obvious potential security issues, site owners do not know how to take advantage of all the features that the platform offers. Make sure you learn as much as possible about it and that you avoid the following:
Plugins And Themes Offered By Untrusted Sources
Design Bolts features many lists of trusted and high quality plugins and themes like the top 12 free responsive WordPress themes for 2014. You should only trust those themes and plugins that are recommended or that are offered by sites that are trusted in the industry. This is because some themes downloaded from untrusted sources can include malicious coding. Always read reviews and if there is a doubt in your mind, do not install the theme.
Relying Too Much On Plugins
WordPress plugins are great and one of the huge advantages of using the platform is the fact that plugins can be used. The problem is that many of the plugins will be in conflict with others. This can lead to a site that is loading too slowly or blog sections that do not operate properly. If you are faced with a problem that you do not know why it appears, deactivate plugins one by one and see what is causing the noticed operating difficulties.
Not Using The Insert More Tag
A site that features one really long post after another long post will not be appealing. Not using the More Tag is much more common than it should be. All that you really need to do is click the Insert More Tag button in the WordPress content dashboard. Alternatively, in the event that there are many posts and the tag was never used, install a theme that automatically cuts content on the homepage.
Changing WordPress File Codes Without Knowing What You Do
Modifying HTML and PHP codes through the WordPress Editor feature can lead to chaos, even when you modify it with a better editor. If you want to make a change that is only possible through manual coding and you do not know much about how to do that, it is a good idea to turn towards the services of a programmer or a WordPress expert.
A bad modification can actually lead towards the situation in which you cannot use WordPress anymore. Fixing something like this can be quite complicated.
Improper Fonts And Backgrounds
One of the most common design mistakes is a lack of suitable contrast between background and fonts used. This leads to text being really tough to read. Try to go for a strong contrast like black writing on white background. Reverse types like using white on black can make everything hard to follow. Also, make sure that font type and sizing are proper since too many use font sizes that are too large or too small.
Overusing Graphics
Never use too many images or animations and make sure that you use the proper image format. Too many use .PNG instead of JPEG. Only use those images that are appropriate for the overall site design.