Top 15 Smashing Freewares Mac OSX Applications for Mac Lovers
You have heard About Apple and most probably because of Apple stunning mobile phone iPhone and iPad devices. However, Apple is also well known for its stable Operating Systems Apple Mac, which is very famous for professional users. Here in this article, I have compiled a list of 15 smashing freewares applications for Mac OSX. All these applications are collected around the web, reviewed and tested. These applications are very handy and capable of handling advanced level tasks. The good thing about them is that all are free, and you can test by downloading them. I will be glad to hear from you which application you like the most.
Here is my Top 15 Smashing freewares Application for Mac OSX. Try out yourself and let us to know your feedback.
1. AppleJack
Apple Jack is your Mac OS X troubleshooting Assistant. It offers a great User Friendly environment. Use AppleJack to troubleshoot your MAC even you have not a Startup CS or you are unable to load MAC GUI.
2. Butler
Buttler is designed in a way that users can easily manage different recurring tasks. It is very flexible and rich featured. You can assign and customize triggers with each tasks separately.

3. ClamXav
Check any virus presence probability on your Mac OS X with this free ClamXav application. It uses open source ClamAv antivirus engine to check viruses on your machine.
4. Desktop Manager
Destomp Manager is the best Mac OSX Virtual Desktop manager to handle any number of Virtual Screens (Desktops). You can separately organize your programs on each Virtual Desktop.
5. Burn
Burn is a small but very handy application to perform CD/DVD burning tasks. You can burn almost every kind of disk like audio, videos, images, data disks and many more with Burn.

6. Carbon Copy Cloner
Carbon Copy Cloner is an amazing utility providing Mac Users to easy to use backup and cloning facility. It also performs scheduled tasks, disk image creations, synchronization and many more. Try it out free.
7. OnyX
OnyX handles Mac OSX misc tasks like Dock, Login window, system maintenance, Finder parameter configuration, removal of cumbersome folders, cache deletion, Preference files checking and many more. OnyX is a very good alternative of some built in applications of Mac OSX

8. Apple Boot Camp
If you are interested to run Windows OS on your Mac, Apple Boot Camp is the right application to try. Download AppleBoot Camp and try Windows on your Intel Based Mac System.

9. iGetter
Basically a replacement download manager for Apple Safari, iGetter is an easy to use and less resource hungry application. Your download speed will be dramatically improved by using iGetter segmented downloading. It also provides scheduling of your downloads during low bandwidth.
10. Vienna
Vienna is an open source Atom and RSS news reader especially designed for MAC OSX operating System. It is fully featured RSS Reader and can easily comparable with any costly commercial news readers. Vienna is free to download and use.

11. SharePoints
SharePoints makes very easy to delete or add share points just like in old Mac Finder Application. By default, Mac Users are limited to share only those what are in their public sharing folder in home directory. With SharePoints, you can share any number of folders of your choice.

12. ImageWell
Image Wall offers the easied way to rotate, crop, edit and resize your image in a very professional manner. You can also upload your edited image to your iDisk account, WebDav server or any FTP Server. ImageWell is my favorite application to handle pictorial tasks.
13. Linotype FontExplorer X
Linotype FontExplorerX application is an amazing utility for Typo lovers. It provides much features like font discovery, font shopping, font sorting and many more fun. With this application, you can apply all the Font’s functions as per your need. Try it out, you don’t want to miss it.
14. MenuMeters
MenuMeters is a small but very useful Mac OSX utility to monitor disk, memory, CPU and network at one place.
15. TextWrangler2
TextWrangler is a useful Text handling application in a precise and swift manner. The Text menu of TextWranger2 holds a number of time saving commands. TextWranger2 also now shipped with a powerful dictionary of AppleScript.
I hope you have enjoyed reading this article. Let me know your feedback about any of these applications you have tried. Share your knowledge and experience with us and our readers.
Awesome list. ClamXav is a good antivirus for Mac.
I also recommend Sophos Anti Virus. It’s free
NetNewsWire Lite is a good alternative for Vienna