Photoshop CS6 Cheat Sheet Infographic
Photoshop is undoubtedly the leading and most widely used image editor and graphics tool which has a very loyal user-base. It is one of the most popular tools of its kind, and definitely has reasons for it too. It is essential for web designers and it definitely makes their life a lot easier. The better you know how to use it and its shortcuts, the better will be your productivity. It is thus extremely crucial to optimize your workflow by utilizing keyboard shortcuts. These shortcuts will help you carry out a task easily and quickly. This is the reason why the nice folks at ZeroLaghave made this amazing and user-friendly Photoshop CS6 cheat sheet.
Reading the Keyboard Shortcuts Key
Photoshop Tool Shortcut = Grey Text
Action Shortcut = Blue Text
- These shortcuts for Photoshop Tools (grey text) or Actions (blue text) allow performing functions easily and quickly.
- If you are required to use a Photoshop Tool Shortcut (gray text), then do it by pressing the corresponding key. For instance, for accessing the “Type” Photoshop Tool, simply press the letter “T” key.
- If you are required to use an Action Shortcut (blue text), then simply do it by holding down the Command key, and then pressing on the Action Shortcut key of your choice as designated in blue text. For instance, for accessing the “Transform” Action Shortcut, hold down the Command key followed by pressing the letter “T” key.
Performing Other Shortcuts That are Not on the Keyboard
Get it done by simply following the assigned keys/actions next to the particular shortcut you wish to perform. For instance, for “Switch Tools” just hold down the Shift button and press a Photoshop Tool Shortcut, always designated in grey text.
I’ve been using Photoshop CS3 for over 2 years, its never given me any trouble. Not sure if the new versions are better or not.
Yes, I agree with you that photoshop cs6 is the best tool of graphic. Thanks.