30 Spectacular Examples of Reflective Photography

Reflection Photography is always reflects on some remarkable effects and spice up interesting composition. This photo involves different kind of photographs and can be explored like a mirror of reflection in water, reflection of objects, inspiration and reflective surface. You can digg deep on this beautiful hidden imagination of nature. Today’s Collection highlights the water reflection surface of nature that we see in daily life. Photographers capturing a stunning moments of reflection effect and give us a chance of seeing this impressive beauty of reality of colors.

Palm on the Left

Late Night Bridge

Blue Lake Jetty

Reflected Beauty

Reflection in a Evening


Sebastopol Lagoon

Bow Lake, Icefields Parkway

Glod Sky

New Year – 2010

Comox Sunrise

Lake of Dreams

Norwegian Coast 2

Rise of the Landing Sun

Blue Lake

Upper Lake

Grand Canyon Reflections

A reflection of innocence

Infinite Possibilities

A time for reflection

What a difference a year makes

Reflection of Tree

Got a whole lot of Living to do


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With a passion for Knowledge, Smashinghub has been created to explore things like Free Resources For Designers, Photographers, Web Developers and Inspiration.

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  1. RaulJones says:

    Some are nice snaps, some are blatantly faked digital imagery, and yet others are hideous attempts at HDR.

  2. Tina says:

    Thanks for these………..gorgeous. My personal favourite is the beautiful simplicity of the two pink flowers, followed closely by the young boy reflected in the puddle.