10 Magnificent Natural Patterns of Tree Photos

Possibly there’re thousands of beautiful and magnificent trees in the world. Nature is one of my favorite and respectable topics. I’m sure, this beautiful and superb tree patterns inspire you to go out and capture this symbol of nature for yourself.
Here are Outstanding Tree Patterns of World from National Geographic Patterns of Trees.

Quaking Aspen Trees

Birch Bark

Eucalyptus Tree Bark

Knotted Aspen Bark

Cottonwood Tree Bark

Sycamore Bark

Whitebark Pine Trunks

Termite Tunnels

Foxtail Pine

Aspen Grove

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  1. kiwus says:

    these are ‘textures’ not ‘patterns’

  2. Rapideo says:

    Keep Posting, Thumbs Up Mate !

  3. Dzinepress says:

    beautiful ideas in this article.