The Stock Art Of Solid Stock Art
Good photographs are essential for good articles. The least what they do is to decorate your publication.
The obvious question is – where will you get quality images? There are two main ways.
One is to hire a photographer and ask him to get some images taken for you. This is the old, traditional path and should be chosen only if you have a lot of money as the photo shoot costs too much. Besides that, it also has some other defects like too much time requirement, the fact of having only one photographer means you are working with only one brain which will have only a limited talent, and above all the fact that even after spending a lot and waiting for too long you will have to use the images that the photographer would have taken irrespective whether you like them or not.
All these flaws are eliminated if you go with a stock photo agency, which is the second route to take to get images. A stock photo agency normally contains thousands of images from hundreds of photographers from which you can pick and choose one according to your needs and requirements.
But there are also hundreds of stock photo agencies on the Internet. Which to choose? We recommend Solid Stock Art.
Solid Stock Art was born out of sheer frustration. You must have heard a story of some novelist who after reading a popular novel, thought he could do better and wrote out a novel himself. Something similar happened to Solid Stock Art’s founders.
They thought that other stock photo agencies were doing things the wrong way and so they started their own company to set things right.
The most striking feature of the company is that all their images are royalty free with an unlimited license which means you are free to use their images any number of times on advertising, public works, personal works, etc., and no one will handcuff you for content theft.
Many stock photo agencies allow only one person to use an image only once. Unlike them Solid Stock Art’s royalty free license is akin to other sites’ extended licenses. They take pride in a simple and hassle free license agreement which is neither confusing nor elaborate. Click here for details on the usage policy.
As you can see for yourself in the above link, you don’t need to be a lawyer to understand their terms and conditions.
One important feature of the site is their “keeping it real” feature. If you are a purist i.e. if you don’t like images that are “fake,” I mean edited in PhotoShop, this is what you need.
By ticking on the check box of keeping it real option, you filter out all the edited, fake images and the site will then supply you with only the real life images. This is a good option for those who are realists, who don’t want to tamper with originality of any sort.
So that’s all for now. Have you ever used a stock photo agency? What has been your experience? Let me know in the comments below.
Nice Freebies stuff shared.