The layouts, page-building tools, and customer support you need to create a beautiful website
When you have a choice of customizable, pre-made layouts as a starting point, a powerful yet user-friendly page builder to do the heavy lifting, and a top-notch support team that stands ready to help, you are in a great position to create an attention-grabbing website quickly and easily.
Pre-made layouts are conceptual designs designed to get a project off to a rapid start. Their ease of editing makes them powerful productivity tools, and working with an easy to use page builder will enable you to maintain your momentum. Should you hit a bump in the road, rely on a rapid-response support team to get your project back on track in no time.
Don’t waste time staring at a blank screen, hoping to be hit by an inspirational bolt from the blue. Instead, discover how the sample pre-made layouts below could get your next project off to a fast start.

Getting Your Website Design Off to a Rapid Start
If you see something you like, imagine what you might find when you have over 100 such layouts to choose from; layouts covering virtually any theme or topic you might decide to design a website around. Choosing one takes but a click, and you are off and running.

Be Theme is the biggest WordPress theme on the market today, and it’s not just the 100+ expertly-designed layouts that make it so. The layouts are accompanied by a treasure-trove of design elements together with a wealth of page and website-building features. An idea and a few clicks is all you need to start, and you can always “edit” your idea as you go along. Be’s Muffin Page Builder is a delight to work with. It performs tasks in seconds that could take hours to do manually, and the Header Style Options and Shortcodes features give you all the flexibility you need to create the attention-getting pages you envision.
A visit to the Be Theme website will introduce you to all 100+ layouts. Find one you like, install it with a click, and you are only a couple of clicks away from building the first of many pages.
Creating a Beautiful Website the Fast and Easy Way
Be Theme’s page-building and editing learning curve is nearly flat, as you will note from watching the video. The action appears to be fast and furious, but after not very many pages, you will be moving along at a similar clip.
Everything you will need to address is clearly and precisely laid out. Once you’ve installed the layout of your choice, you are just about ready to let Muffin Builder show you what it, and you, can do. It should not take more than about 60 seconds from installing your layout until you are ready to make the first edit. You’ll quickly discover how intuitive this page builder is to use, and as you become familiar with the drag and drop and editing features, you will see how flat the learning curve really is. Choosing a header style and a base grid to work with is easily done, as is everything else with Be Theme.
Show Your Client the Final Result – Long Before He Expects It
Don’t tell your client you are using Be Theme – yet. Wait until he or she receives your high-quality website long before it is expected, and asks what you are doing differently. With Be Theme, websites that normally took a week or two to create, can be finished in a day or two, and even within hours if you have all the information at hand. You will find yourself delivering websites faster than ever, with an improvement, and not a decline, in overall quality. Furthermore, you will be able to share sample pages to your clients for feedback in a few hours.
Your clients will profit from the productivity gains this theme makes possible, and you will as well due to rapid turnaround times and labor cost reductions. The nice thing about the fast and furious design activity Be makes possible is that the quality is always there as well.

High-Quality, 24/7 Support makes a Difference Too
You needn’t worry about Be Theme’s support staff becoming bored because there is little to do. With a customer base of 16,000, there is always something that needs to be addressed; and even if you aren’t encountering problems, which will usually be the case, you will still have an occasional question you would like to have answered. The Elite Authors have also published an excellent online user manual, together with several video training tutorials. The support team is always there for you however, should you encounter a problem. Don’t worry about having to navigate a menu or becoming involved in a dialog with a voice recording. Your question or problem will be promptly dealt with by a friendly, live human who also happens to be a professional problem solver.

A Small Sampling of a Very Big Theme
What you have seen here is a rather small sampling of what Be Theme has to offer. This premium multipurpose WordPress theme offers a wide array of easy to use and easy to implement features. Visit the Be Theme website and see for yourself the 100+ impressive layouts and the possibilities they offer. There is much more to discover about Muffin Builder, Shortcodes, Header Options, and all of the other invaluable design elements and design aids that make up this theme. Be Theme is indeed the biggest of the premium multipurpose WordPress themes.