9 sample portfolio website for developers

It is common to see designer portfolio websites as a way to showcase their work. Developer wise, there isn’t that many examples probably due to the nature of the work, especially for a non front end developer. However, a portfolio website is an essential way for a developer to generate leads for his freelance work. If you are a developer in need of some ideas on creating a portfolio website, here are some inspirations that you can draw reference from. If you are a developer who already has a website, you can post it in the comments for the rest to see.


#1: Adhamdannaway.com

website portfolio for developer 1

A nice clean design with a heavy dose of personality. Adam’s is both a front end developer as well as UI designer who is obvious from the creativity shown by his own website.


#2: Danny.fm

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Another clean and minimlist design that you can easily create for yourself.  An image always helps and a listing of your skills in a beautiful layout can help a lot in convincing future clients that you will be a great person to work with.


 #3: Clark Nelson

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I like the listing design of the website. It actually looks like some command line editor which is very suitable for a developer. The information given is clear and there are links to his projects. Simple but effective.


#4: Danielfischer.com

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I don’t think you can get more basic than this. However despite the bare minimal look, it still works very well as a portfolio website for a developer.


#5: Jonas Duri

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Something colorful for a change. This is a ghost theme being worked on by Jonas that is meant to serve as a portfolio website for developer.


#6: Slawson.org

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A rather unique way of designing a portfolio website. The whole look uses an App interface design which is rather different from what the rest are usually doing.


#7: Jamie Barton

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A nice clean look that says exactly what kind of development services are being offered.


#8: Jaeho Lee

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An interesting idea of using the text editor as a UI to showcase the skills that the developer has. Unfortunately, I am not sure it is as easy to read for someone who has never work with a text editor before.


#9: Matt Sisto

website portfolio for developer

Another very bare minimal design for a developer portfolio website.  It is great for those of you who are not so well verse in color scheme selection.


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With a passion for Knowledge, Smashinghub has been created to explore things like Free Resources For Designers, Photographers, Web Developers and Inspiration.

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