30 New High Quality WordPress 3 Series Compatible Themes
Nowadays Blogging is no longer considered a hobby, it has become close to as a profession and for few an entire career. People are earning a living at home through the venue of Blogging. Blogging has become an attraction, passion, career and an easy way for creating an in-home income.WordPress is an award-winning CMS, which enables you to build Blogs, Web sites and powerful online applications. As you know that more and more people use Word Press these days. Choosing a right theme for Blog is really time consuming and boring task, because Internet is full of thousands of free Blogging Themes, So smashing hub got some beautiful Blogging WordPress Themes which are absolutely free, which will not only give user’s site a distinct look but they won’t make any dent on users pockets.

i love the minimal theme. 🙂 thank you for sharing
Great selection !
ps: one more in this website link 😉