25 Incredible Examples of Macro Photography

Macro photography is all about capturing things close up. There are extraordinary lenses designed expressly for this task, and they are very good at capturing the smallest of details on tiny objects. Lenses designed for macro are usually at their sharpest at macro focus distances and are not quite as sharp at other focus distances.
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Here is a collection of 25 Truly Amazing Macro Photography from various photographers.

John Colbensen

jimmy hoffman

Marta Grzesiak

The Block

el justino

Elin Torger

Jovan Miric


Th Block

Marcus Lim

Boris Godfroid

Erhan Dayi

Bayu Sahaja

Peter Sziky – Peet


Niels Christian Wulff

Bayu Sahaja

Hubert Kosmowski

Magdalena Wasiczek

Heidi Westum


Marta GrzesiaK

Vincent chung

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With a passion for Knowledge, Smashinghub has been created to explore things like Free Resources For Designers, Photographers, Web Developers and Inspiration.

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  1. Jean Casin says:

    Absolutely breathtaking. Never knew insects could be this beautifull besides butterflies perhaps. I truely think the photographers did an outstanding job. Just beautifull how these pictures look. The angle..the motion the colours the brightness…very nice!

  2. ade says:

    awesome….I like all

  3. The clarity and detail is outstanding! Love seeing the eyeballs of the insects!

  4. Jen says:

    Wow, those are stunning but now I feel like something is crawling on me!

  5. JohnSmith says:

    Just Ammmmmmmaaaaaaazing…!

  6. Amazing photos! I love the one with the ant on a branch with the sun behind it.

  7. Jim says:

    these are so vivid and detailed on such small objects. well done.

  8. Abhishek says:

    Nice Photographs !

  9. Tuvie says:

    Undeniable Beautiful !