15 Absolutely Amazing Examples of Digital Matte Painting
Matte painting is the combination of 3D rendering, photographic elements, and hand-painted elements to achieve a stunning and dynamic visual result. It is often used for film and game concept art, and for 3D animation.
“A matte painting is a painted representation of a landscape, set, or distant location that allows filmmakers to create the illusion of an environment that would otherwise be too expensive or impossible to build or visit”. [via]
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This post showcases 15 Brilliant Examples of Matte Painting from the Top Digital Art Artists.

The entire picture book look like a fairy tale. I would love to stay in such a town that is filled with such amazing happenings and colors.
I know nothing about 3D animation, but your pictures inspire- enable me to see my town as the fairy tale. I saw the life alive in your artwork and sat back in an awe. You awake the imagination and Such approach makes the everyday living in to the fabulous journey through the fairyland.
I’m with Janika on this, especially the castle.
There is maybe one decent matte painting in this bunch and then two or three decent conceptual artwork. The rest are certainly not anywhere near professional quality.
i love this post, its great to see how creative and the way imgination flows with digital media!
some stunning examples here. Why is the trend for creating Sci-fi paintings, either way they are beautiful
Some (most?) of those have some small defects that really highlight the methods used to create them, destroying the illusion of reality.
Wow, these are amazing. They’re beautiful!
It would be interesting to see someone break down what is 3D model rendering, freehand drawing, photos etc in such pictures. Any ideas of such a site?