25 Cool Photoshop Text Effects Tutorials

Photoshop’s text and layer tools can be used to create some really cool effects. There are thousands of Photoshop Tutorials out there, but few that are top-notch in terms of instruction, appearance and outcomes. In this collection, you will find cool text effects, typography, creative, 3D, burning effects, ice effects etc.

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Here are 25 Cool Photoshop Text Effects Tutorials

Create a Multi-Colored Text Effect in Photoshop

Properly Multicolored 3D Text Effect

Create a Desireable 3D Text Effect

Design Wonderful Texts in Rainbow Colours

Create a Nice Edging Design for Texts

Apply an Universal Scene into Text in Photoshop

Design an Outstanding Text Effect in Photoshop

Design Quality 3D Text Effect in a Fashion Way

Create a Colorfully Mixture Text Effect

Fantastic 3D Text Art in Photoshop

Fantastic Pouring Liquid Effect for Text

Create a Super Burning Effect for Text Using Photoshop

Dramatically 3D layering Text Effect

Design a Powerful Storm Effect for the Text

Impressive Text Effect – Word in an Explosion

Increible Glass Broken Effect for Text

Add Some Ocean Species into Typography Art

Design an Outstanding Flashing Text Effect

How to Create Super Colorful Typography

Special Shiny Text Effect Using Photoshop

Apply Dramatic Fire Effect on Text using Photoshop

Create Great 3D Text Effect using Photoshop

Create a Blurry Ink Typography Effect in Photoshop

Create an Excellent Transparent Text Effect

Create an Excellent Icy Text in Photoshop Tutorial

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With a passion for Knowledge, Smashinghub has been created to explore things like Free Resources For Designers, Photographers, Web Developers and Inspiration.

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  1. Wierzbicki says:

    This is really great list, nice tutorials!

  2. Nice, very nice. Love it

  3. Rapideo says:

    Thats Very Nice