9 Awesome jQuery Plugins That You May Not Know About
jQuery has made web development quite easy and handy. Thanks to it, now making animation, interactive component and web elements is not as tough and time consuming as it used. The best part is that most of the time you don’t even have to make it yourself, as thousands of plugins are there to help you! You can do anything and everything with them from basic web elements like slider, accordion, modal window to complicated animation and face recognition. So here is a list of 9 awesome jQuery plugins that will prove to be very useful for you! Check them out.

This plugin create a fading effect for image on mouse over. In addition, you can select a color tone filter for your images. The tone is set for the images, when they are not hovered. When it is hovered, the color tong filter will be removed, so that there is a clear distinction between this selected image and other non-selected images.

A wheel scroller user control designed for touchscreens to allow easy input of date and/or time. This control is customizable and it supports any custom values and it can even be utilised as an intuitive substitute to the native select control (dropdown list). It has been made specially to be used on touch devices as a substitute to the jQuery UI date picker.
- Tested on iOS4, Android 2.2, Android 2.3, Chrome, Safari, Firefox, IE9
- Themable

Do you want simple credit card format validation? If so, then use Smart Validate. It is a jQuery credit card validation plugin that makes sure that the user has inputted a valid credit card number before going through the actual transaction.
It supports the following credit cards:
- American Express
- Master Card
- Visa Card
- Diners Club
- Discover

This plugin gives special tooltips without the usual limitations of north/east/south/west positioning. It allows a grumble to be made to rotate around a provided element at any angle, all 360 degrees. Any distance can be determined and any style of CSS can be used. It also boasts an auto-magic size adjustment for using with localised text and FX queues for creating animations of multiple grumbles. It works in IE6+, and modern browsers.

This plugin is for a pure browser qrcode generation. Adding qrcode to your webpages using it is very easy. It’s standalone, smaller than 4k after minify+gzip, no picture download. It does not depend on external services that go on/off, or add latency whilst loading. It bases on a library that creates qrcode in various language. jquery.qrcode.js wraps it to make its inclusion in your own code easy and handy.

Making custom dropdowns is an irksome and time consuming process that need a lot of extra setup time. Most of the times it lacks amenities that common dropdowns have like keyboard navigation. DropKick makes this task very handy and allows you to focus on making s@#t look good. Degrade back to SELECT list on unsupported browser.
It works on IE7-9, firefox, safari and chrome.

This one is a handy plugin which changes an element’s content into a simple < canvas > mini pie, line or bar chart.
- Pie Chart, Lie Charts, Bar Charts
- Support event
- Custom Chart Types
- Browser that supports < canvas > only: Chrome, Firefox, IE9, Opera, Safari.

Spin.js utilises the CSS3 to render the UI, falling back to VML Internet Explorer. When a browser supports it, @keyframe rules are applied to animate the spinner.
- No pictures, no external CSS
- No dependencies
- Greatly configurable
- Resolution independent
- Works in all major browsers, including IE6
- Smaller than an animated GIF (3K minified,, 1.7 gzipped)
- MIT License

This plugin adds weather for any city in the world. Sometimes you may want to show the weather information of your local city in your page. It makes your page look young and dynamic.
Great! Thank you very much for this tipps. Keep it alive.
thanks, except mobiscroll never knew before the others
Wow! I love “My Fade Over Image”. You can use it on just about any image, and it would look great! Peity is cool too! Thanks for another great list!