Best sublime text 2 and 3 theme for 2014

Some might feel that changing the theme for your sublime text editor might be a waste of time but you can never estimate how a good looking theme can improve your productivity. Firstly, the joy of using something that has an interface that you like is a good motivator by itself. However, some themes, due to their use of color schemes and subtle styling, can actually make writing code slightly more efficient. Hence, I would encourage all sublime text editor users to experiment with different themes and see which ones best suit their preference.


#1: Spacegray

Best sublime text 2 and 3 theme for 2014 1
A very minimalist design that can help you to focus and getting into the zen zone for writing code. There is really no other distractions in this UI and sometimes, this helps in our concentration.


#2: Solarized

Best sublime text 2 and 3 theme for 2014 2

For those who need to work very precise colors, solarized is your ideal sublime text editor theme. The author has created this theme after extensive testing on how the colors would appear in different devices and under different lighting conditions.


#3: Glacier

Best sublime text 2 and 3 theme for 2014 3

Unlike spacegray, glacier is a colorful sublime text 2 and 3 theme. It also uses the very modern flat style design which some of you might prefer.


#4: Predawn

Best sublime text 2 and 3 theme for 2014 4

Predawn is a beautiful theme that looks super look on Nexus.  For those who appreciate design UI, this will be a great fit for your code writing work.


#5: Flatland

Best sublime text 2 and 3 theme for 2014 5

Flatland is another theme for sublime text 2 and 3. It builds off Soda, which is a very common framework for building sublime text theme. Flatlands look nice and might be worth a download.


#6:  Tron Legacy

Best sublime text 2 and 3 theme for 2014 6

Fans of the movie tron can download this theme to enjoy a similar styling and color theme when you work on your coding.


#7: ITG:Flat

Best sublime text 2 and 3 theme for 2014 7

Another flat design that looks very modern and cool.  Supporters of this theme have called this the most stunning theme for sublime text 3. You can download it and judge for yourself if it works as good as it looks.


#8: Tomorrow Theme

Best sublime text 2 and 3 theme for 2014 8

Tomorrow theme is a colorful theme with strong contrasting. If you need such a UI to work productivity, this is a good looking theme to download.


#9: Brogrammar

Best sublime text 2 and 3 theme for 2014 9

According to the developer, this is a flat and sexy theme. Well, is it really sexy? One way to find out. Download it and see for yourself!

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1 Comment

  1. Jason says:

    Great post, i love sublime text editor