Are there any realistic wordpress alternatives

WordPress is dominating its competition receiving 30% of usage between all content management systems on the web. The next closest competitor received 11% usage. A content management system is an open source blog, and website, management service that allows an average person to create a nice website free of charge. Any industry with that large of a production discrepancy between competitors leads you to believe there is very little competition in the market. The reality is that new companies are popping up each day to chase their dream and take down the giant in the field. Five of the up and comers in the field are Tumblr, Squarespace, Wix, Weebly, and Ghost. If you are interested in starting a website that can produce a high conversion rate, then you should visit this link to find the perfect web design.



Tumblr is one of the most popular competitors to WordPress ranking44th in total website views in the entire world. By this category they outrank WordPress, but Tumblr is more of a social media platform than a content management system. Tumblr is a microblogging site where people can upload short content bits that are quickly seen and shared with others. As Tumblr’s blogging sections receive more views this will surely be one the companies contending for the highest usage rate.



Squarespace is a content management system that creates user-friendly websites and blogging platforms that rival the top systems in the field. This website is available on all mobile templates to provide an ease of use for the reader. The biggest drawback to this platform is that there are so many stylistic options it is overwhelming. But if the biggest problem for a web design platform is that there are too many options, they are doing something right.



Wix is the biggest competition for WordPress when it comes to website building. Wix provides drag and drop tools that make it incredibly easy to create your perfect website. The best part about using Wix is that they have a support line that you can contact, unlike WordPress where you are directed to community forums.



Weebly is a hosted service, unlike WordPress that is self-hosted. This means that you must follow the rules set forth in the terms of service. Like many other websites, Weebly has adopted the drag and drop method of website building to give the user the best experience possible. One of the best features of this site are the different apps that can be added to a website.



The number one reason to use Ghost over WordPress is because it is faster than WordPress. Independent studies have shown that Ghost is 1900% fast than WordPress. This is due to the large discrepancy in site traffic, but it is still nice to work from a website that responds immediately. Ghost can also be accessed for a third of the price as WordPress. This additional capital can then be invested back into the website.

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