The benefits of including influencer marketing in your digital media marketing campaign
“A brand is no longer what we tell the consumer it is — it is what consumers tell each other it is.” – Scott Cook
The advent of the Internet, with particular reference to mobile technology, has changed and will continue to modify the way marketing strategists market their brands and services. It is estimated that up to 50% of the global population has access to the internet and social media via their mobile devices. This statistic alone is enough to alert brand marketers to the need to adopt a change in marketing strategy from purely a traditional approach to a mixed approach.
What is influencer marketing?
Wikipedia states that influencer marketing is a “form of marketing in which focus is placed on specific key individuals (or types of individual) rather than the target market as a whole. It identifies the individuals that have influence over potential buyers, and orients marketing activities around these influencers.”
For example, if you own a running shoe manufacturing concern and you would like to encourage consumers to purchase your shoes, on the best ways is to approach the winner of the New York City Marathon and ask him to endorse your shoes. He will then share how your shoes help him to win races, etc. Consequently, his social media contacts will want to try out your shoes to help improve their run times. The result is that your running shoes’ sales will climb.
Benefits of influencer marketing
There are several important benefits of influencer marketing that all marketing strategists should take note of:
Your products are perceived to have great authority
By considering the running shoe example above, it is important to note that a marathon runner is seen as an authority on all aspects related to marathon running. Ergo, if he endorses a product, his followers, and other people, assume that your company is also an authority on running shoes. After all, if a top runner says your products are good, then there is no doubt in people’s minds that your running shoes are a top brand and should be purchased.
Provides an emotional connection
It is vital to note that social media is personal. People all around the globe relate to each other on a one-to-one basis. This means that you can tap into the personal relationships and emotional connections between people, as well as between people and the products that they purchase.
Influencers are trusted by the community
Statistics show that at least 71% of all consumers research their purchases decisions on social media before they go out and purchase the product. Should you browse through social media posts on Facebook, for example, you will find many posts from people asking what their friends and connections feel about a certain product. If the majority of people endorse your product, then you are virtually guaranteed the sale. On the other hand, should your product garner a couple of negative responses, then people will tend to shy away from your products.