30 Extremely Disturbing Print Ads
An advertisement is one most targeted way to attract the attention of viewers. One has to wonder how the creative directors and designers came up with these concepts. These advertisement campaigns are almost against the domestic violence, cigarette smoking, alcohol and substance abuse, human rights violations and campaigns for nature preservation which were often focused in an ad campaign. Here are 30 Controversial advertisements.
Spid will look after your baby. But not that baby

Child Health Foundation: The Scream

Emirates Arthritis Foundation: Painful

Family Network Foundation: Dad

Pet flea & tick spot on: Haircut

Vancouver Aquarium: Bath

The Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation: Chair

Amnesty International: Archery
Humans for Animals: Seal (Don’t treat others the way you don’t want to be treated.)
Lung Cancer Fundation: Second hand smoke in the home
One click could change your future, Belt up.
Sharing The Pain Cuts it in Hale
Popeye Detergent Hipoalergenic: Hell raiser

These print ads are disturbing, thought-provoking, and creatively inspiring. I love seeing any ads that are controversial and make some think about how our society views the world. Then, the print ads challenge that notion to make us rethink that perception. For example, the mother seal clubbing the human baby. It’s simple, to the point, and a very creative way to get the point across about humanities cruelty. Great article!!
This post real source of inspiration for designers like me…