7 beautiful product update email sample

Product updates is very common in the world of online business. In this space, product iterations and updates happen almost every week due to real time customer feedback. Companies must almost stay on top of their game if they want to retain users and provide the best user experience. This however becomes a problem if the product updates are not communicated well to the users. Hence, you need some solid product update email if you plan on keep your users up to date. Here are 6 beautiful samples that you want might to reference if you are designing one for your company.


#1 Pinterest

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This beautiful Pinterest email updates users whenever their contact has created a new board. It is not really good for product updates but can be used as a nice example of notification.


#2: Square Market

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This example from Square Market is great if you have  an ecommerce store or marketplace. It updates users on what are the different new products and provide links to each category.


#3: Charity Water

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Charity Water provides a good example of how a new product update should be communicated. There is only a big clear message explaining what the update is all about.


#4: Medium

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For content portals, this product update email is exactly the kind that you want to use to update your readers on what is new and popular.  It is beautiful and allows a quick scanning of topics.


#5: Gibbon

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Here is another example of a content focus company. It selects and recommends the latest relevant content to the email user. The layout is clear and very easy to click on.


#6: Icebergs

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In this example, Icebergs is promoting is latest product add on, which is a Chrome extension. The entire execution is focused and elegantly designed. Very enticing for users to click on and find out more.


#7: Big Cartel

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If you are running a business selling themes, adds on etc, this is a good example of how product updates can be done to inform your customers of what is new and exciting.


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1 Comment

  1. Shawn Rubel says:

    It would be nice to get a roundup like this one that has download option available, definitely liking some of these email designs 🙂