40 Free High Quality Leather Textures

Textures are commonly used in web design because it can compose a look that roughens the sharpness and crispness of the background to make it catchy to look at. In today’s post, we will be showcasing different types of leather textures that are free and ready to be used into your next design project. It is a material mostly used in making high-quality bags, shoes and jackets. Here are high quality 40 Leather Texture for Designing attractive bags, jackets, chair, sofes and shoes.

leather-texture-4 leather-texture-1 leather-texture-2 leather-texture-3 leather-texture-11 leather-texture-12 leather-texture-13 leather-texture-14 leather-texture-22 leather-texture-15 leather-texture-8 leather-texture-17 leather-texture-18 leather-texture-19 leather-texture-20 leather-texture-21 leather-texture-23 leather-texture-24 leather-texture-25 leather-texture-26 leather-texture-27 leather-texture-28 leather-texture-29 leather-texture-30 leather-texture-31 leather-texture-32 leather-texture-33 leather-texture-34 leather-texture-35 leather-texture-36 leather-texture-37 SONY DSC                     leather-texture-39 leather-texture-40 leather-texture-5 leather-texture-6 leather-texture-7 leather-texture-9 leather-texture-10

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With a passion for Knowledge, Smashinghub has been created to explore things like Free Resources For Designers, Photographers, Web Developers and Inspiration.

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  1. Marco Zirri says:

    Great post !!!
    Check also
    for some good textures.

  2. EDWIN says:

    Well researched and well written post! Subscribing to this right now!

  3. There are textures so very easy to use, has born a lot of images. I would like will be utilized. Thank you.

  4. It really is amazing how the textures of leather translate so differently from one to the next. One of the coolest textiles as it ages over time!

  5. Bogdaniki` says:

    You could add a download link to all the textures?
