20 Excellent jQuery Tools/Tricks for Developers

jQuery is an excellent Javascript library that simplifies HTML  and can be used to create web effects easily with few lines of coding. It has become really popular on the internet these days as many well known websites are using jQuery tools and tutorials to add Javascript functionality to websites. It makes repetitive tasks really shorter and is really simple and easy to use.

Today, we have gathered a list few Useful jQuery Plugins which can help the developers.

1. Image Cross Fade Transition

It is an excellent jQuery plugin which helps the developers merge one image into another image.


2. jQuery Tools

jQuery Tools is a collection of some excellent tools which you can use on your websites. It contains different effects and goodies which can be used by anyone, even the ones who don’t have any coding knowledge as they have many demo videos which can be checked to use these tools.


3. Ajax Captcha

Ajax  Captcha is an excellent jQuery plugin which can be used to create different fancy captcha forms to help you protect your websites from spammers.


4. Vertically Scrolling Menu

Vertically scrolling menu is a useful jQuery tool which can be used to add attractive and innovative  vertically scrolling menus on your blogs and websites.


5. Background Image Animations

With Background Position Plugin, users can create  background image animations easily without any advance coding knowledge.


6. Visualize Chart Plugin

With Visualize Chart Plugin, developer can convert any regular HTML tables into visual charts.

visual charts

7. Rounded Corners

Developers can easily add rounded corners to any element using jQuery’s wrap.


8. Uploadify

With Uploading jQuery Plugin, you can integrates a fully-customizable multiple file upload utility on your website.


9. AD Gallery

AD Gallery is an excellent jQuery plugin which help users convert unordered list of images into simple slideshows which are easy to navigate.


10. Easy Slider

Easy Slider is another useful jQuery plugin which can be used to add multiple sliding features to any website. For example auto scrolling, continuous scrolling, vertical sliding etc.


11. Fancy Share Button Plugin

Social Media has become one of the most popular way of promoting your website or blog on the internet. Every blog has integrated social bookmark buttons on their websites to share their content. Using jQuery, users can create a good looking share box for their blogs and websites.


12. TinyTips Plugin

TinyTips is an excellent jQuery plugin which enable users to add tooltips to any element on the page.

13. Real Time Tweets

Real Time Tweets helps users add twitter bar to there posts which shows latest tweets from your timeline and also those tweets which are related to your posts.


14. UI Datepicker

UI Datepicker is an excellent jQuery plugin which adds datepicker functionality to web pages and forms, so that they are easy to fill.


15. jQuery Tab Container

TabContainer can be used to create tabbed sections on websites and blogs.


16. jQuery Notes Plugin

With jQuery Notes plugin, users can add  notes to any image on your website or blog.

17. gMap – Google Maps Plugin

With gMap, users can easy add Google Maps functionality on their website or blog.

18. jQuery PhotoShoot Plugin

The jQuery PhotoShoot plugin gives you the ability to convert any div on your web page into a photo shooting effect, complete with a view finder.
jQuery PhotoShoot Plugin

19. jTextTranslate

With jTextTranslate, users can easily translate words into any language. Just highlight the word and it will automatically translate into any language.

20. jQuery Quicksand

Quicksand is an excellent jQuery plugin which enable users to Reorder and filter items with a nice shuffling animation.

jQuery Quicksand

If you know about any other good jQuery plugins which can be useful for developers, please share with us using the comments section below.

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With a passion for Knowledge, Smashinghub has been created to explore things like Free Resources For Designers, Photographers, Web Developers and Inspiration.

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  1. aditia says:

    thanks man, you may add jquery price number format, some of my friends always asking me about this

  2. Ynot says:

    Hey, thanks for sharing these great tools! Much appreciated.

  3. Useful collection! Thanks!