10 WordPress Plugins To Manage Your Ads Banners

Mostly questions asked! How Monetize your blog? How to put various networking codes in right place into your blog? There are numbers of networks that available for maximize the revenue. But, it is more effective when you placed into right place and adjust or wrap in your posts/ pages. You can easily ad BuySellAds, Adsense, Chtika, Adify, CrispAds, OpenX etc
We assembled most amazing and powerful WordPress to manage your advertisements. These Plugin give you liberty by adding into your own choice and maximize your revenue. They give you details about clicks, impression, banner size etc. You don’t need to modify your template. These plug-in easily gives you decision.

Tips :

1) Wp-Insert

Wp-Insert is the most powerful yet easiest to use wordpress ad management plugin which does a lot more than ad management. It can manage your feeds, google analytics, blog editing and even make editing your themes easier for you. wp insert 10 WordPress Plugins To Manage Your Ads Banners

2) Advertisement Management

Advertisement Management is simple plugin like straight forward way of putting the advertising code. It offer 8 places for putting banner code in the posts/pages. Personally, i am using this plugin in my own blog. advertisement management 10 WordPress Plugins To Manage Your Ads<br /> Banners

3) Ad-minister

Ad-Minister is a plugin for create banner position defining your positions in posts/ pages. After selecting the positions in the theme, you can easily put the adsense code and add your banner. It tells you the Impression, Clicks, Weights and positions. ad minister 10 WordPress Plugins To Manage Your Ads Banners

4) Advertising Manager

It is most easy for those blogger, who do not need hurdle for putting code of adsense. It has capacity for detecting codes from various networks like Google adsense, OpenX, Commission junction etc. This plugin created by OpenX team. advertising manager 10 WordPress Plugins To Manage Your Ads<br /> Banners

5) Buy Sell Ads

BuySellAds is another way of getting revenue. Mostly blogger used this for putting the BSA codes. This plugin give your more freedom by putting the code in widget sidebar or even in posts/ pages. buy sell ads plugin 10 WordPress Plugins To Manage Your Ads<br /> Banners

6) WhyDoWork AdSense Plugin

WhyDoWork is another plug-in for word press. It is mostly customize plugin because you can easily insert the adsense code without modifying your template. You can set ad code for x days upto 10 sets of advertisement code in different posts / pages. In this, your reader will not bore from your ads. whydowork adsense plugin 10 WordPress Plugins To Manage Your Ads<br /> Banners

7) Author Advertising Plugin

If you have multiple authors in your blog! Probably you need to put differnt adsense or someother revenue program codes. This plugin called Author Advertising Plugin that allows various pages for each admin page. You can easily configure the “My Advertising” Page and insert the code for each author. Features

  • Friendly interface
  • Easily used for mutli-Author blog
  • Support for HTML code but not for PHP
author advertising plugin 10 WordPress Plugins To Manage Your Ads<br /> Banners

8 ) Adrotate

Adrotate is existing plugin for wordpress. It customize your ads into two forms either managing with add banners to the group or those who doesn’t know about using Adrotate. They can use “Banner Wizard”. It guide the user how to create banner. Features

  • Easy management of banners and banner groups
  • Integrates with WordPress dashboard and has a user friendly, easy to manage dashboard
  • Review which banner is shown the most
  • Track how many a banner is clicked and show it’s Cick-Through-Ratio
adrotate 10 WordPress Plugins To Manage Your Ads Banners

9) Post Layout

POST layout gives you to inject advertisement into your posts. This plug in give two version free and Pro. you can use this plug in for inserting JavaScript or HTML code into your blog post. It also allow to insert the PHP code and adding codes for mobile devices. post layout 10 WordPress Plugins To Manage Your Ads Banners

10) OIO Publisher

OIOpublisher is another 3rd party plugin for managing your ads. it gives maximizing your revenue and saved your time for customize your ad position in the wordpress. It is paid plugin for adjusting your revenue and ad position. So, don’t go for it. If you don’t want to purchase it.

oio publisher 10 WordPress Plugins To Manage Your Ads Banners

Enjoy the amazing Plugin for your WordPress

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With a passion for Knowledge, Smashinghub has been created to explore things like Free Resources For Designers, Photographers, Web Developers and Inspiration.

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  1. TheShadow says:

    Thank you for sharing this awesome plugins.Its very helpful

  2. I really enjoyed reading what you said. You had some very interesting points. Very nice site. Keep up the good work, cant wait to see what else you have to say in the future.

  3. Many thanks for this usefull list!

  4. Mayur says:

    This is very useful and helpful, thanks for the info. I am currently using plugin for BSA

  5. Richsec says:

    These are nice plugins but, I don’t think any of them will manage existing banner ads that are integrated in a theme.

    Does anyone know a plugin that can do that? To manage and rotate banner ads presently integrated in theme files.

    Thanks – Richie.

  6. Walidplus says:

    great work man, useful plugins

  7. Hesham @ FamousBloggers says:

    I like that Buy Sell Ads plugin but I am not sure if it works with the new code!

  8. Suraj Vibhute says:

    Nice collection with good description. Personally I use wp-insert.