15 Stunning Facebook WordPress Plugins For Bloggers

wordpress facebook twitter 15 Stunning Facebook WordPress Plugins For Bloggers
Facebook is very strong way to
promote your blogging and improve your readers. If you are the user of
Wordpress. you must looking for these stunning facebook plugin for wordpress.
Installing these extreme plugin of facebook, you can easily share your posts
automatically , re-tweet it. Last week , we covered the

35 WordPress Tips and Tricks You Must Know.


Herein are 15 cool WordPress plugins for Facebook.

1) Feed Facebook, Leave Facebook

This plugin will Generates a separate partial feed for Facebook. Use it to
direct Facebook visitors to your blog while leaving your main full-text feed. If
you don’t know, how you can control the feed then use this plugin.

feed facebook leave facebook 15 Stunning Facebook WordPress Plugins For Bloggers

2) Facebook Fan box

Facebook fan box is mostly created by blogger. It will help you to increase
the traffic. Facebook Fan Box shows the  recent updates and fans, just activate
this widget or insert this line of code anywhere in your theme:

facebook fan box 15 Stunning Facebook WordPress Plugins For Bloggers

3) WP-FacebookConnect

WP-FacebookConnect adds Facebook functionality to WordPress using the
Facebook Connect APIs. It offered the following options Single-signon with your
Facebook account, Publish comments to the newsfeed, Comment avatars display
Facebook profile photos etc

wp facebook connect 15 Stunning Facebook WordPress Plugins For Bloggers

4) QuailPress

QuailPress allows you to integrate with Facebook Share so that users can
easily share your posts on their Facebook accounts.

quailpress1 15 Stunning Facebook WordPress Plugins For Bloggers

5) Gigya Socialize

The Gigya Socialize plug-in aggregates authentication and social APIs from
Facebook Connect, MySpace ID, Twitter, Google, Yahoo, and AOL. just go to Gigya
website and get your API and Scret Keys to use this plugin.

gigya socialize wordpress plugin 15 Stunning Facebook WordPress Plugins For Bloggers

6) Fotobook

Fotobook is a WordPress plugin that will link to your Facebook account(s) and
import all of your photo albums for use in your WordPress installation. It uses
the Facebook’s API so importing your photos is a breeze.

fotobook 15 Stunning Facebook WordPress Plugins For Bloggers

7) Facebook/Twitter Status Updater

Facebook / Twitter Status updater is awesome plugin for
wordpress. It saved your time to  update your Facebook status / Fan Page Wall /
Group Page Wall / Twitter  / Myspace with every new post you publish on your

facebook twitter status updater 15 Stunning Facebook WordPress Plugins For Bloggers

8) Wordbook

This plugin allows you to cross-post your blog posts to your Facebook Wall.
Your Facebook “Boxes” tab will show your most recent blog posts.

wordbook 15 Stunning Facebook WordPress Plugins For Bloggers

9) JanRain RPX

The RPX wordpress plugin lets you use OpenID, Facebook Connect, Twitter,
MySpace, Google, Yahoo!, and Windows Live ID authentication on your blog.

janrain rpx 15 Stunning Facebook WordPress Plugins For Bloggers

10) Facebook Posted Items

This plugin fetches posted items from Facebook and displays them in an
unordered list with proper links and comments. This plugin displayed your posted
items of facebook in your wordpress.

facebook posted items 15 Stunning Facebook WordPress Plugins For Bloggers

11) Facebook Dashboard Widget

This is another simple plugin for wordpress that pull and display your
friends of facebook. It notifications you at the wordpress as admin login and
you can see the updates of your facebook friends status without login the


facebook dashboard widget 15 Stunning Facebook WordPress Plugins For Bloggers

12) Add To Facebook

This  plugin adds a footer link to add the current post or page to a Facebook
Mini-Feed. While the plugin is activated a link will appear after the content of
the post with the text “Share on Facebook” or the Facebook icon or both.
Clicking this link will bring the user to the Facebook site. If the user isn’t
logged in they will be prompted to do so. Once logged into Facebook the post
will be added to the Mini-Feed of the account.

add to facebook 15 Stunning Facebook WordPress Plugins For Bloggers

13) Facebook Comments

Facebook comments is a WordPress plugin that will import comments from your
facebook notes back into your wordpress blog.

14 ) StatusPress

This plugin takes your Facebook status updates and places them in your
WordPress blog.

15) Facebook Sharer

This plugin adds a link within each blog post to share blog posts on FaceBook.

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With a passion for Knowledge, Smashinghub has been created to explore things like Free Resources For Designers, Photographers, Web Developers and Inspiration.

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  1. THIS ONE IS A NICE ARTICLE…. you have a good knowledge!!
    really beneficial for me…

  2. muazfaris says:

    i already used facebook fan page for my blog. thanks yo!

  3. przemek says:

    Facebookconnect did you test it?, there’s no user avatar on comments etc.

  4. I Like it, is there any visual tools for that?
    Thank you

  5. Sunny says:

    Great List
    Really useful for bloggers
    Thanks for sharing 😉
    but i am looking for plugin in which user can upload image from wordpress website to facebook

  6. Amit says:

    I am a new blogger and I am sure to try these plugins. Thanks!