The most used modern software for SEO

Any good business knows that a strong online presence is key to driving sales and organic growth. This is precisely where SEO, or search engine optimization, comes into play. Because the “Big 3” dominate internet traffic, Google, Yahoo, and Bing write the rules on search engine algorithms. The rules are always changing and being updated. This is why SEO is big business and there are many expert companies claiming to be able to put your business on the first page. Unfortunately these tend to be snake oil salesmen making promises they can’t keep. Nobody can, or should, guarantee results. Also, these services are extremely expensive and you have no way of knowing if the tactics employed will be helpful or harmful to your online endeavors. Reasons such as these make a strong case for using modern SEO software or reputable SEO companies like Absolute Digital Marketing.

most used modern software for SEO

Google is undoubtedly the number one player when it comes to internet activity. So it only makes sense that using google analytics to track your websites progress and activity be your primary tool. Google Analytics allows you to see if the traffic is from the search engines (organic) or from referral sites, or even direct access. From there you can slice up the information even more and find out the search terms being used to find your site and the specific sites that are referring the most traffic. When you deal with affiliate revenue all of this information can be extremely helpful.

While Google Analytics is generally accepted as the best tool for understanding your search engine rankings and optimization it isn’t the only one. SEM Rush is another useful and popular tool. This tool has become increasingly popular as a way to track yourself versus your competitors. This can include where you rank with both your short and long tail keywords. For the novice out there, long tail keywords tend to be links embedded within long terms, or perhaps a phrase. As Googles Pagerank has been becoming out of date there have been other metrics that become popular to track. These metrics can include domain authority, page authority, and mozrank. All of this depends on your organic backlink structure and is tracked by SEM Rush.

Last, but certainly not least, is Majestic SEO. Majestic can show you your entire backlink profile fairly quickly and efficiently. This allows you to see what authority sites link to you, how many different domains and subdomain are linking to you, and whether or not those links are followed or set as no follow. These can assist you in understand what types of sites you can collaborate with in order to boost your search engine rankings.

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