25 Best Free Online Magazines For Designers
Every designer just loves art and design magazines. They let you know about all the newest trends and news in the world of design, and are also a great source of inspiration! A lot of free design magazines are available on the web, that you can browse online or download (.PDF, .SWF) for viewing offline. The best part is that they are free! So today we have a list of 25 Amazing Free Online Magazines For Designers that you should definitely check out:
Well this one is not really a ‘magazine’ as it is not in .PDF or any downloable format. But it is worth checking out!
As the name suggests, there are a lot of free PDF magazines.
This magazine is released quaterly in .PDF format and every single issue has a unique topic.
This one is an online magazine which is in a pdf form and consists of the work of free Illustrators, Artists or other creative people.
This online mag displays amazing visual content and also through future exhibitions across the planet.
Blanket Magazine is released bi-monthly in PDF format. It is a great free art, design and photography magazine.
This online mag covers topics on art, fashion, music and ideas. It is released quarterly and is for free subscription.
Royal Magazine is a private journal of The Keystone Design Union, a Global Fraternal Creative Collective which is dedicated to making and managing creative design centric objects, brands and experiences.
This online mag collects information about topics like design, lifestyle, fashion, trend and creative news from across the planet
GizMag is a weekly web mag that has a great deal of amazing stuff. A free PDF is also published every 3 months, that boasts some of the past subjects, including interviews and artwork
A mag that publishes photos that cover subjects in unexpected ways.
Nice roundup!
This one’s pretty new but worth a mention:
Missed http://www.thinkingforaliving.org/.
creative resources and also helping for graphic designers. thanks for sharing