How to install WordPress in shared web hosting
WordPress has been recognized as the first consideration when people plan to start their websites. However, for the installation of WordPress, many people are somewhat confused and even have no idea about this site building platform. In this case, we make this guide on how to install WordPress to remove all doubts.
Broadly speaking, there are two principal methods to install WordPress, including manual installation and the installation with some popular scripts, like SimpleScripts, Softaculous, Fantastico, etc, which are praised highly by many professional WordPress resource sites as Whatswp. The first way is suitable for intermediate users who have certain knowledge of WordPress, while the second way is designed for people who are new to this field. And now, let’s move on to the detailed introduction.
How to Install WordPress Manually
To finish the WordPress manual installation, you need have a rough idea about FTP, for which is the most commonly-used tool known as the Famous 5-Minute Install. Here are the 5 steps included in this section to help you finish the installation as soon as possible. However, if you know nothing about FTP, we suggest you referring to the second method.
- Download WordPress
Up to now, the latest version of WordPress is the Version 4.0, which can be accessible via Find the download file and click the button of Download WordPress 4.0. And then, unzip the downloaded file.
- Upload WordPress Files via FTP
When having done with the WordPress download, you need to upload the unzipped WordPress files to your hosting account via FTP. To make easy to handle, you need to make use of an FTP client. Since there are various options available, we highly recommend you going with the FileFilla.
And then, you can upload the file to the public_html folder. In this way, WordPress is installed in your main domain. If you want to do it in a subfolder, you can achieve it by uploading the files to public_html/subfolder name/.
- Create a Database
Since most hosting providers utilize cPanel, we suggest you to create a database via this powerful control panel. Log into cPanel > Databases and click MySQL Databases. And then, you are required to enter the database name. Fill in a favorite one and click the Create Database to finish this step. Don’t forget to create the database username and password.
- Start Installing WordPress
Enter your domain name in a browser, and then get the page that asks you to Create a Configuration File. Click this button and enter the correct database information in the next page, including database name, username and password.
Then, click the Confirm button to go to the next page. If all information goes right, the page will display a Run the Install button. After clicking it, you are going to a welcome page that shows you all your information. And now, click the Install WordPress to finish the whole manual installation.
How to Install WordPress with Scripts
Maybe now, some fresh hands think that the guide above is far beyond understanding. In this case, we also make a comprehensive instruction on how to install WordPress with the help of scripts. Since there are various scripts available, we only select one of the most popular one called SimpleScripts in the following guide, which enables one-click installation for WordPress.
To use SimpleScripts successfully, you have to make sure that the selected hosting provider has installed this powerful script already and allowed users to get it through control panel.
- Log into your cPanel account and find the SimpleScripts icon. Click it to enter the SimpleScripts page.
- On this page, you can see various applications listed orderly. What you need to do is to find the WordPress icon and click it.
- And now, you are in a page called Install WordPress, on which the button of Install is the one you need to click.
- After entering the next page, you are required to check the installation preference as you want. You are allowed to customize where to install WordPress, as well as some advanced options including Site Title, Admin username, Admin password and Admin email address.
- If you need to create a new database, you can check the “Automatically create a new database”.
- Check the Terms of Service and click the button of Compete. After receiving a success page, you have done the WordPress installation successfully.
I think installing WordPress with Scripts is better than WordPress Manually. It will provide you fast service, less errors and great animation. It will also take less time so you can save your time as well. As a WordPress developer my first choice is Scripts.