Five Interesting HTML5 Based Apps For Chrome Lovers

HTML5 is the latest boom in the long and successful on-going advancements in the HTML that combines the characteristics of HTML and XHTML into one single platform. Long seem to be gone the old days of monotonous static and boring websites with not much interaction to offer for the users.

HTML5 has turned the web-based applications into a reality. The latest of the updates to the most recent version of means that live video conferencing is possible on your web-browser without requiring any external software involvement. HTML5 brings life to your web pages and allow you to run a wide range of most commonly used applications on the web browser without needing any software. It’s really a pleasant surprise to see such flamboyant and utility applications run on your browser. The relentless and continuous efforts made for improvements in the latest of web-development language means that in the future releases we may get to see even more interoperability, variety and user-friendliness in the web apps.

Below are the top-5 HTML5 Apps that are running hot among the web surfers. From games to drawing boards, there is uniqueness to the flavor of each reviewed apps. Check them out and have a blast!
Note: All the apps have been successfully tested on the latest version of Google Chrome which can be downloaded from here.

1. Myousic.Me

Who needs the obnoxious and confusing media players anymore! Thanks to this bind-boggling HTML5 App called MYOUSIC.ME, now you can search audio files all over the web and play them directly online in your web browser, all in a graphically superb user friendly interface.

– Absolutely free to use
– Very light and simple to use
– No registration required
– Uses Audio tag and local storage API to save your tracklist
– Rate your favorite tracks and comment on them as you like

2. Ajax Animator

2.Ajax Animator

Ajax Animator is a web-based animation tool powered by HTML5. There are plenty of customizable options in this app including various themes, drawing tools, frame layering, image uploading and setting up the speed of your animations. With Ajax animator you can save, publish, upload and share your animations. Ajax Animator allows you to work offline.

3. Game Of Life

3.Game Of Life

Game Of Life is a simple yet truly intriguing board game. Play your beloved classic Game Of Life in HTML5 and set the chequered square on fire. Game Of life requires no installation or downloading and is absolutely free to play.

4. SketchPad


Easily the best of the entire collection so far. This is no Photoshop or Illustrator by any stretch of imagination but Hey…. It ain’t that bulky and complicated either. Visually addictive and a truly option-rich drawing app, SketPad is here to stay for long and cerate a huge fan base among those even with the slightest  of the creative skills. This HTML5 is worth having a try and can’t be explained in just words. Take your drawing credentials to the next level and explore the hidden artist in you.

5. Canvas Rider

5.Canvas Rider

Written in HTML5 and JavaScript, Canvas rider is a thrilling online game that gives you a chance to pave dangerous and rough ways for your friends and foes to ride their bicycle on. Canvas Rider is an excellent amalgamation of user-made sketches and their perfect use to play a game on. A rare and completely unique experience like never seen before, Canvas Rider is just not an ordinary game. There are thousands of complex paths to ride on which are daily updated by as many users. Controls are fairly simple and the game is completely in your command with your keyboard.

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With a passion for Knowledge, Smashinghub has been created to explore things like Free Resources For Designers, Photographers, Web Developers and Inspiration.

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  1. aditia says:

    well that all really awesome tools I agree with you SketchPad is very helping for drawing

  2. Mark says:

    Canvas rider was the only one that really sticks out (which is actually based off free rider 2, minus the extra vehicles), The sketchpad or whatever was a chrome experiment, and I never heard of the music service.

  3. Farhan says:

    Wow! very very cool HTML 5 applications.

  4. Graphiics says:

    Oooh I’m web designer so i just loved it….!
    very cool apps.. i am using one of them