10 Amazing Web Designs That show the Power of HTML5

HTML5, the next major revision of HTML, the language of the internet, is set to revolutionize the way web developers and designers create websites and the way visitors use them.

HTML5 is stepping stone to make the web experience more enjoyable and gratifying. It’s being edited by Ian Hickson of Google and David Hyatt of Apple, two of the web’s greatest creative minds.

Through HTML5’s canvas element, users will be able to render graphics and images on the fly, again without the need for plugins. You can see today showcase that show power of HTML5 web designs games, web designs, animations, graphics and images. You can enjoy below collection.

Agent 008 Ball


The Wilderness Down Town


Ben The Bodyguard

Ben The Bodyguard





This Shell

This Shell




Art of Stars

Lost Worlds Fair

lost world fairs

Toyota Prius Projects


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With a passion for Knowledge, Smashinghub has been created to explore things like Free Resources For Designers, Photographers, Web Developers and Inspiration.

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1 Comment

  1. Jen Mars says:

    great designs. How do you configure HTML5?