7 best evernote alternative for 2015

Evernote is the current leader for word based notes taking. However there are some folks who think Evernote is too bloated. Others just want a free version that doesn’t have all the frills and features. In this article, we will take a note at some of the best Evernote alternates available on the market. Some options are free while others require you to make a one time payment. Either way, there are enough alternatives out there so you don’t need to be forced to use Evernote if you do not want to.



#1: Simplenote

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One the most beloved alternatives to Evernote due to its simplicity and clean UI.  It also has integration to nvALT which can drastically improve your workflow processes if you are a developer.


#2 Google Keep

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Google Keep is great if you want an App for your Android phone.  It is completely free but the downside is that there is no desktop app as you need an online connection to use it on your computer.


#3: Leafnote

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Leafnote is an alternative for Evernote for you mac.  Its organization feature is pretty useful when you have a lot of notes to sort through and organize.


#4: Workflowy

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Some people like Workflowy for its flexible structure as you can nest bullet points infinitely.  This allows users to create structure that fits into what they really want. However the trade off is that you can spend some time at the beginning to create this structure.


#5: Thinkery

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This is a free alternative to Evernote and is quite robust. The best thing I like is the harshtag features that can let you easily filter and sort through all the notes using simple harshtag.


#6: Octobox

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Octobox is a new comer in the notes taking industry. Its integreation with Dropbox is the biggest selling point. Currently there is still some bug here and there but the product is improving. It is free and works great at the basic functions you need to take notes.


#7: NotePlus

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Noteplus has one of the coolest hand writing technology I have seen. It is fast and it works beautifully on your tablet. It takes me all sorts of media files and has sharing features that is now a standard.

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1 Comment

  1. Ilian says:

    For a new open source alternative to Evernote take a look on the TagSpaces Project (tagspaces.org). It is available for various platforms and allows you to organize your notes and all kind of documents …