30 Realistic Drawing Art Painting by Robert Finale

The Realistic and charming works of the artist, Robert Finale, flow naturally from a deep-rooted enthusiasm and God given talent for capturing the intrinsic beauty in humankind and nature. Finale’s work on canvas is heart touching and peacefully enchanting.

This style is a colorful blend of impressionistic romance and Realistic Art Beauty, mostly in historic settings. His romantic Art paintings transport you to a time and place of private fine art charm, a haven of pure and quiet delight.

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  1. akio says:

    pqp, da vontade de entrar nas imagens…styleeeee ;D

  2. Alberto says:

    As luzes que irradiam das construções, a luz do sol e da lua ,transmitem a. sensação de vida e felicidade.lindas pinturas.

  3. asim khan says:

    Awesome picture 🙂 indeed