12 Fashion Photography Tips
Photography is not and cannot be everyone’s cup of tea. You must have that particular flair in you for perfect clicks. Fashion photography is much difficult in comparison to simple photography.

Since fashion photography is for commercial purposes, it should be handled aesthetically. We all see pictures of men and women on billboards and wonder what made them look so beautiful. It is most definitely the photography which has captured the models, clothing and accessories in a very beautiful way that everything that we see on a billboard looks perfect and makes sense. While are flipping the pages of any magazine or brochure, we see loads of pictures and a lot of credit goes to fashion photographer for making everything look harmonious.
If you have a passion for photography and you want to try fashion photography, the tips given below will definitely help you out in understanding and then implementing fashion photography.
1. Get Inspired from Things Around You

You do not have to go through each page of every fashion magazine to look for inspiration. If you are actually passionate about photography, you will find inspiration in things around you. However, observing fashion photos can help you a lot in understanding fashion photography and its techniques. Technicalities of photography can be observed via fashion magazines and they can inspire you too. But, make sure you find inspiration in things around you.
2. Brainstorming is very Important

No fashion photographer walks into his studio having no ideas at all. You must have a vision of the image you want to shoot and for that you need to sit, think and brainstorm about your shoot. In order to bring out the beauty of any photograph, you need to make sure that you create the whole ambiance for it. Preparing before your shoot is one advice that every fashion photographer will give you. When you have ideas, you need to make sure that they are properly executed.
3. Experimenting with Shadows and Lights

Lighting and shadows are supposed to be simpler things in fashion photography. However, there is nothing wrong in experimenting with the lights to bring out the best from your shoot. The effect of lighting also depends upon the location of your photo shoot. Be sure to make the correct use of lightings according to an indoor or outdoor shoot.
4. Photography Location

Selection of location totally depends on the kind of fashion shoot you are going to have. It could be of a clothing line, accessories or shoes. So, select a location which will highlight your client’s product. As a matter of fact, you can try any location as long as you are able to create proper moods and expressions. Here, your model will play an important role as well. Your model should be able to portray the role well. Depending on the product, you can have an indoor or an outdoor location. For more convenience, you can even shoot in your own studio i.e., if you own one.
If you need help finding the right location, check out this location agency. They made location sourcing incredibly easy, using modern web 2 interfaces and technology.
5. Select Models Carefully

It goes without saying that models are an integral part of any fashion shoot so you have to focus a lot on selecting a suitable model for the shoot. Do not just get a model because she is famous or you can afford her. Finding the right model is very important so go through lots and lots of portfolios and then decide.
6. Styling of the Model

As a fashion photographer, you should take interest in the make-up and styling of your model too. The entire look of your model has to compliment your location and off course the product. Have a meeting with model and your makeup artists as well to define the kind of you look you have in your mind. Now, this does not mean that you have to band your head every now and then with the styling and makeup. As mentioned earlier, one meeting with the model and makeup artists and you are done.
7. Photography should Reflect Product’s Beauty

Remember, the entire effort you are putting in for a particular shoot is to promote a product. In any case, your location, background or model should not overshadow your client’s product. As a photographer, you have to bring out the beauty of the product. If you are a good photographer, you will not only make the product look beautiful but entire image will speak for itself.
8. Usage of Props

If there are any props in your head which can make your shoot look more beautiful, use them. A lot of famous photographers are using fashion props in their shoots to make the whole look more attractive and fashionable.
9. Create Harmony

In order to create harmony, you have to make sure that everything compliments each other. For instance, your background should compliment your model’s look. Everything that you are using in photo shoot should go together so that final picture comes out really beautiful.
10. Stay Flexible

Although everything should go according to the plan but, we all know that is not possible in most cases. During your fashion shoot, you need to leave room for some flexibility. You will have to make a few adjustments due to any reason. Make sure you are prepared for the changes with the backup. This is in fact a great way to test your creativity and in most cases; such situations bring out the best fashion photographer in you.
11. Importance of Updated Equipments

We all know that with every new day, something new is introduced in the world of technology. Make sure you stay up-to-date with the latest photography equipments for better results.
12. Team Work

Last but not the least, be nice to people you are working with. If you succeed in taking some best shots always remember that it is due to efforts of your light men, models, make-up artist and other people involved in your shoot.

If you really want to, you can become a fashion photographer. It can now be adopted as a career as well because fashion photography is in demand these days. If you are a beginner in fashion photography, do create a portfolio and keep it updated too. Your passion for photography with correct guidance can take you a long way. Tips mentioned above can really get you going with fashion photography. All the best for your photography ventures!
Very good and straight forward information, thank you, for confirming the key and detailed points of fashion photography, like carefully selecting your model and highlighting the products. Good stuff, thanks again
So true! Very nice article. Great job 😉
Very nice post, i think in this case fashion photography its the mos demandating on equipment tks for sharing
Thanks for providing these top tips for Photography for Fashion. I was unaware of these tips but now i will do care while i will taking pictures for my own fashion photography blog.