SmashingHub’s cool tools roundup 4
Welcome to the fourth article in our cool tools roundup. Since doing this series, I have been amazed at the number of cool tools that are released almost every week. I didn’t realise there were so many developers giving away useful stuff for free and only start to appreciate all the good work done by them after doing this series. My favorite of the bunch for this roundup is MVCSS, which is a neat application that makes the management of CSS much cooler. Check this and other cool tools in the listing below.
MVCSS is an awesome new application that can better help you in organizing your CSS coding. It basically adopts a lot of best practices to streamline code revisions and maintenance. Overall, it is a great tool for you to manage and change your CSS.
#2: Nanobar.js
A super lightweight progress bar that doesn’t require jQuery to run. If you want a fast loading site, this little piece of software will be very useful to you.
#3: Rowgird.js
If you want something to be placed in a straight line without any fuss, check out this useful little jquery plugin. Nothing complicated but it is useful for what it does.
#4: Iconpocket
Iconpocket is a cool new service that lets you manage your icons in the cloud. Using it, you can easily search and access any icons in your portfolio or the ones made available by the application from any devices.
#5: Codekit
Codekit is a powerful app to help developer build websites faster. This second version packs in a lot of cool features such as the ability to compile all languages, auto fresh in all web browsers, a large library of built in tools including Bootstrap etc. All these made a website developer’s job much easier. Download the trial to give it a go. You wouldn’t be disappointed.
#6: Animatron
I have written about best HTML5 nimation tool before but animatron was not available then. This is a powerful tool that lets you create html5 animation online. It is simple to use but is amazing powerful. I would encourage you to take it for a spin if you are a designer creating html5 interactive content.
#7: Tridiv
If you want to create 3D shapes in CSS, Tridiv is the tool that you will need. It is a great app that allows you to easily create anything in 3D using its powerful editor.