Attorneys increasing investment in high-end website design for their law firms

There’s an old saying, “The first impression is the best impression.” This old adage holds its weight with online marketing. This is the primary reason why your website design must stand out. Poor design will make it extremely difficult for you to make a solid connection with your prospective clients or customers. Without them, your law practice will not exist.

Shrewd search engine optimization techniques will send traffic to your website, but your conversions will be poor if your site visitors are not impressed with your site design. For instance, an outdated HTML design will not cut the mustard when it comes to converting your site visitors into leads. Your website must look impressive if you expect to get leads for your law practice.

We must stress that the bad website design can make it extremely difficult for you to be a leading authority in your law field. You must place great emphasis on your site’s appearance if you want to dominate your market.


Let’s get straight to the point. What are the characteristics of an exceptional law firm website?


What makes a law firm website design inspiring?

Functionality is the number one characteristic of good website design. Your site will not get a good ranking (exposure) in the search engines if it does not function well. Functionality is made of the components listed below.


Color – Make sure your site’s colors don’t clash with each other. You should also make an earnest effort to make sure that the colors comply with the tone that you are trying to set for your audience.

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SpeedSlow site loading time will make it extremely hard for you to get clients. The photos on your site should be optimized so that they only consume a small amount of space on your website.

Easy Navigation – Can your visitors get the desired information on your site without any difficulty? Make sure your site has words that make it easy for visitors to navigate your site.

Video – Are you using video content on your pages? Studies show that people are more appreciative of short videos. Your videos should be short and to the point.

Great Imagery – Your site should have photos that convey professionalism. Some photos should be of you and your law partners. Your prospective clients want to see the faces behind the names. This will make them feel more comfortable with leaving their contact information in your lead capture form.

Typography – Your site should be filled with fonts that complement each other. If they don’t, you will leave a bad impression on your visitors. As we stressed earlier, you will only get one chance to leave a big impression on your prospective leads. If you don’t, you stand a good chance of blowing the golden opportunity to represent them.

Story Telling – Your site should have a clear presentation of your law firm’s services, the history of the principals, and the firm’s goals.

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Whitespace – Use the white space on your website wisely. There’s no need to fill your entire web page with color.

Call-to-Action – Your content must persuade your visitors to get in touch with you. This is the only way you will be able to get clients for your law practice.


The components listed above should be your guideline to having an impressive design for your law firm. If your website doesn’t meet these standards, it will be extremely hard for you to stand out. Luckily, there’s no need for you to be an expert at designing web graphics. We took out the time to list ten top law firm website designs. Simply follow their pattern and you will have a site to be reckoned with.

Please keep in mind that you must make an earnest effort to get great exposure online. You need to partner with an experienced search engine optimization company that knows how to work with law firm websites. From that partnership, you will be in a position to get more leads than you will be able to handle. With that being said, let’s get things underway.


1. Feldman, Kronfeld, and Beatty

Why this site works well: As you may know, New York is an extremely competitive place for a law practice. To set themselves apart from the pack, this law firm marketed themselves as a “Neighborhood Lawyer” for everyone in the city. They also used good imagery of the city’s neighborhoods and buildings.


2. Small Law

Why this site works well: The brand name works extremely well for this law firm. They only work with small and medium-sized firms. They also made perfect use of the white space on their site.


3. Boughton Law

Why this site works well: This site has a responsive design. This makes it easier for it to get a high-ranking and retain visitors. As we stated earlier, a fast loading site fares better when it comes to conversion rates.

What else stands out? The site has simple copy and a strong statement above the fold.


4. Fienman Defense

Why this site works well: This site has a strong call-to-action and an optimized photo of an attorney in the courtroom. It would be a mistake for us to overlook that the site is extremely easy to navigate.


5. Conroy Simberg

Why this site works well: It has a full-page slider, responsive design, and the color scheme works extremely well.


6. Taylor Janice Workplace Law

Why this site works well: The segmentation on this site is superb. Clean graphics also helps it stand out.


7. Tackett Mull and Nicolai

Why this site works well: The landing page captures your attention immediately. The graphics are nice and law firm’s slogan makes a strong statement. The high quality photos convey a strong professional image of the law practice.


8. Malman Law

Why this site works well: There are a couple of things that stand out on this website. An image of the firm’s leading principal is on the main page. The following three words are used on the site, “Trust, Experience, and Results”. This sales copy is simple, but this is what their prospective clients are looking for. They want an experienced and trustworthy counselor that will offer results. It cannot get any better than that.


9. Bloom Legal, LLC

Why this site works well: This website has a video filled with valuable content and responsive design. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see what these guys are doing. The site also has a call-to-action section in the top right corner.


10. Fogle, Keller, and Purdy

Why this site works well: The typography blends in well with the color scheme. The site is responsive, which means that it loads extremely fast. This can lead to an impressive conversion rate.

You can send tons of traffic to your site, but you will only get one shot to leave a big impression on your visitors. Luckily for you, there’s no need for you to reinvent the wheel. Simply follow the pattern left by the sites above, and you will have a website that will be more than capable of taking your law practice to a new horizon.

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With a passion for Knowledge, Smashinghub has been created to explore things like Free Resources For Designers, Photographers, Web Developers and Inspiration.

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