A roundup of wordpress trends for 2014
WordPress is probably one of the most used CMS today. Whether it is for personal or business use, there is a lot of demand for wordpress design work. As such, it would be useful to know what trends are in for 2014 so that you are better equipped to incorporate some of these into your design work. I am not the most authoritative person on wordpress so I have rounded up a list of articles from various websites the predicts the kind of the trends that we are going to see in 2014. These should make for a fun reading list during your traveling time 🙂
#1: Wpkube’s 9 wordpress trends to look out for

Some of the trends mentioned here has been covered in death by Smashinghub. For example, I have profiled 15 business full screen wordpress themes as well as 15 flat photography wordpres s themes. One of the more interesting trends being highlighted is the one on the death of the sidebar. Is that really true?
#2: Themeshaker wordpress trends in 2014

Themeshaker has a couple of interesting observations with supporting examples. This particular one on large introduction area seems to be true as I recalled seeing many such designs recently.
#3: TimothyBrand’s Ins and Outs of wordpress in 2o14

It is relatively short article with one interesting observation. We move towards faster and faster websites, the use of images is being replaced by creative fonts.
#4 Wpstand’s 3 wordpress design trends for 2014

Nothing that we don’t know about. In fact, I have mentioned the use of fixed header quite early on last year. You can read the articles here:Â top 10 fixed header wordpress themes. The other two trends mentioned are single pages (cover here: 20 one page wordpress themes) and flat design (see above).
#5: Infinistaconcepts 5 wordpress trends

One trend that I hope don’t get realised is the Infinitely Scrollable Sites. To me, these are a hell to use, especially if you do a lot of clicking back and fro. Currently, some websites manage to remember where I am in the infinite scroll but most don’t. The end result is that I have to re scroll to where I left if I click on something to change the page.
 #6: Radiiproduction’s 4 wordpress trends 2014

Although the article title says web design trends but the content is acutually about wordpress. I guess wordpress= web design to some folks LOL. One interesting observation is ‘human storytelling’. I think that is a nice term for what I am increasingly seeing as well. Websites are now used to convey a human story, rather than just mindless marketing messages.
#7: Greatwordpressthemes’s 9 wordpress trends for 2014
To roundup the list, here is another 9 wp design trends. Again, there is nothing really outstanding being mentioned. Hmm, I wonder if 2014 will be a ‘boring’ year where nothing new happens.