8 free ipad wave psd mockup for you to download

iPad wave is the latest Apple product that was introduced a couple of weeks ago. Some of you might want to start playing around with the interface for your future design work. The good news is that some designers have already created ipad wave psd mockups that can be downloaded for free.  I have rounded up their work so that you can download everything from one place.

I wish I can provide a more comprehensive list but the current pool of available psd files is limited.  I will do a future update when more designers contributed ipad wave psd files to the community.


#1: iPad Air Mockup Templates by Tom M

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This is a very useful set of ipad air psd templates. There is both potrait and landscape files, as well as customisable backgrounds for you to tweak and modify. Click on the link above to download.


#2:Ipad Air Mockup by Wassim

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There are two versions of the psd mockup here that you can download for free. One is the light version while the other is the dark version. Do note that the creator has mandated that you need to tweet his site before being able to download the files.


#3: iPad Air Psd Vector Mockup by Pixeden

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Here is another set of light and dark vector mockups for the ipad wave that you can download for free.  Each set has a protrait and landscape view for you to work with.


#4:Apple iPad Air Mockup PSD by Wellgraphic

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This is probably the first psd mockup that went live on dribbble.com. I have to say this designer is super fast with his or her work. In this download pack, you will get a black & white iPad with customizable screens. However, do note that when you click on the link above, you will be taken to page for you to ‘like’ this before being able to download the psd files.


#5: Ipad Air Mock-up by Oliviu S

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This is vector layerd psd mockup file that you can download for free. The set is fairly basic as it was released pretty quickly after the announcement.


#6: Ipad Air PSD Mockup by GraphicsFuel (Rafi)

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Another great set of black and white psd mockup for ipad air. This particular download requires no sharing so it is just click and go. The resolution size is 2500 x 3000 pixels (264 res.). Recommended!


#7: Vector version of apple ipad wave by Vincent Le Moign

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If you want a vector format for the ipad wave mockp, here is a nice resource for you to download for free.  Included in the pack are other apple devices that you might need as well.


#8:  Ipad Air mockup by tempees.com

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Here is a basic ipad air mockup for you to download with no fuss or signup necessary.

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