15 modern single page flat design
Here are 15 examples of single page flat designs. These two concepts can be counted as 2 of the hottest trends in web design today so it is not surprising to see designers combining the two concepts. Looking through these examples, I must say it is a nice way to display a website. The most surprising thing about the sites that I am featuring is that they come from both designers and agencies as well as traditional companies such as insurance. This shows how powerful the concept is taking hold as even traditional companies are using it for their websites.
Enjoy the roundup!
#1: Moving Things Design Company

This comes from a design agency so no surprises there. The use of bold colors to separate the long single page is a distinctive trademark of a good single page design. One that you should definitely take note of.
#2: Oscar Health Insurance

It is nice to see traditional companies like health insurance starting to adopt the latest in our web design arsenal. It feels fresh and stands out from how insurance websites used to look.
#3: Froont

Froont is a web application that help designers to design websites directly in the browser. The product itself is neat but their single page flat design is what attracted their coverage here.
#4: Helloniche.com

This is a consultancy website that is run by 2 very cool guys. The single page flat ui design allows them to showcase their personality and reveals their uniqueness to their potential clients.
#5: Fullenglish.com

I initially thought this was a language learning website only to discover that it is actually a ecommerce development service company. Very clean and colorful design.
#6: SocialApp.io

An app making company that uses the single page design to fully showcase the kind of work they have been producing. It is effective and work very well for a landing page.
#7: Bluevelvet.matiasgallipoli.com

The single page flat design works very well for a product landing page. In this example, it is for selling a flat UI kit for android. This website uses a different way of separating its content blocks. Rather than different colors, it chooses different shades of the same color.
#8: Discover.collectorwp.com

This website uses not 2 but 3 of the hottest deign trends: single page, flat UI and metro design. The last part can be seen from image 2 above as it uses on of its content block for the metro effect.
#9: Nedd.me

Nedd.me has a distinct design. Although the appearance looks like a metro style kind of website but it doesn’t function as one. The entire single page is filled with such colored squares and make for an interesting visiting experience.
#10: ShapeOfDesignBook

This is the first time I saw a single page flat design being applied to an author’s website. It works well as the different content blocks are used to highlight the different sections of a book selling page such as customer testimonials, samples pages etc.
#11: ilovemy.de/2013/

A portfolio using a single flat design is common. However, I have not seen it being used on a professor portfolio site before so this is an interesting find.
#12: NearlyImpossible.org

A cool single page flat UI design for an event conference website. The speakers section also features the use of circular elements which is getting very popular as well.
#13: Sebonic

Another example of a traditional company using modern design concepts in its webpage. I loved how they use the flat design to convey the simplicity of their financial processes, thus helping to reinforce their marketing message.
#14: 19thdays.com

You got to love the name and why it is chosen. The owner promises that he can fulfilled his service within 19 days. Cool tagline!
#15: DavidYeiser

David Yeiser applied a minimalist look to the single page flat design for his portfolio site. The outcome is a clean and sparse look that might appeal to folks out there who appreciate the minimalist design.
Thank you a lot for this awesome collection of flat designs. Both one-page layouts and flat designs are definitely the current trend in terms of web.