7 Cool CyanogenMod 7 Themes You Should Install

CyanogenMod 7 is a custom ROM for Android phones.It is one of the most popular one out there. The thing that makes it amazing is its extreme customizability. It has got a huge community too. So today we have some amazing themes for CyanogenMod 7. These themes can totally change the look of your phone.

You can simply install some from the Market, while others can can only be downloaded from XDA. But don’t worry, getting themes from XDA is not at all tough: All you have to do is to simply copy the themes into your phone and then use your File Manager of choice to install it. Then after that just just pick it from Theme Chooser. Simple, right?

Why Should You Theme Your Android?

Well we all know that Android is famous for it’s great customisation capabilities. This is the thing that makes it stand out from its competitors. Android’s UI is extremely exciting. So if you have an Android with CM7 installed, then you should definitely check out the 7 Amazing Themes for CyanogenMod 7 given below!

1. Lunar UI

Lunar UI

This theme is developed by a member of XDA known as “R3D X.” It is a really beautiful and colorful theme. Most of the themes for Android have basic simple colors, but this theme is quite unique as its signal and Wi-fi indicators look totally differently amazing. Just pair this theme with a colourful background and some awesome widgets to make it even more amazing.


MIUI Transparent CM7

MIUI is one of the most popular ROMs for Android and this theme perfectly mimics its look. It is created by ZduneX25 over at XDA. Thanks to this theme you can get the awesome MIUI look on your CM7 phone. It gives you MIUI’s black status bar, white menus and some custom notification icons! The original has a battery percentage embedded onto the battery indication; some people like this and some people don’t. If you are one of those people who don’t like it then you can check out another theme by clicking here, which is created by another member of XDA. This theme has all the previous elements except the orange bar and battery percentage.

3. Windows Phone 7 Theme


Windows Phone 7 boasts a great user interface. Its minimal status bar and live tiles give it a beautiful look. If you wish to get this look on your Android phone then you should check out Windows Phone 7 Theme for Android, which is created by “Mushroom_Lord” over at XDA. Simply pair this theme with a launcher like “Launcher 7″ and people will not be able to tell if it is an Android phone and a Windows Phone!

4. MattedBlues


If you love the color blue, then this theme is for you. As the name suggests, this theme makes your phone’s primary colours a matte shade of blue. This theme’s simplicity is what makes it look really beautiful. It will theme your status bar icons and other icons like Messaging blue too. You would have to spend some money for this theme, but if you love simplicity then it is totally worth it!

5. Ice Cream Sandwich


Ice Cream Sandwich’s extremely modern and advanced look left many people wanting it. If you are one of those people who totally loved it, then we have a good news for you: now you can get that look on your Android as some guys at XDA have created a theme for CM7 which totally mimics the Ice Cream Sandwich look. This theme changes from everything, from your dialer to your keyboard. If you can’t wait to get the official launch then this is a good option for you!

6. Label Theme

Label Theme

This theme won’t give your phone a complete makeover like others do; but it only focuses on your status bar. This theme shows the standard icons through labels when you get notifications. Labels make your phone look extremely different and beautiful.

7. Wizmod


Samsung Galaxy S II updated their TouchWiz theme for Gingerbread, which is totally amazing. It focuses on the status bar but dialog boxes are also changed to a nice shade of blue too. It is an awesome theme that stays close to the stock UI.

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