50 Coolest Examples Of Twitter Backgrounds
Twitter is one of the most amazing and popular social networking websites. It is growing very fast and the number of its daily users is increasing continuously. Twitter is also one of the smartest marketing tool. The services provided by twitter are also used by professionals or this might not be wrong saying that mostly twitter is used for professional purposes. Twitter is a kind of website where different people who are sitting miles apart can connect with each other easily if they share common interest.
With the increase in its popularity many official companies and larger organizations have also made their twitter pages to attract more and more bulk of audience and to generate revenue by getting more and more tweets. Now this in return resulted into a sort of competition among companies, organizations and people. Every one wants that their twitter page design must look more sophisticated, attractive and awesome. That’s why all the companies and professionals want to make the user remember their page, and one of the most important tool besides the tweets is the design. Twitter is also a very good tool for getting in touch with your friends, but also with your clients or your audience. Most of the users are trying to customize everything on their accounts, but unfortunately there are not so many things you can change in your profile besides the wallpaper.In this article you can see some very clever wallpapers that are not only a graphical and boring background image, but also an informative zone.
Furthermore, if you’re keen to achieve more followers, removing the typical twitter background would probably help out by showing that you’re an active user, it will also make your website attractive and surely will get you more tweets, it helps prove that you’re not a spammer.
After doing some twitter profile research, I have found some really cool twitter pages. With another tool on the web comes another place designers can take advantage of by adding their design skills. So here are the 50 coolest examples of twitter backgrounds or page designs. Watch the post of my finds, do give feed back and Enjoy!
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50 Coolest Examples Of Twitter Backgrounds
Weird News
Web Design Blog
Sophie Miller
Smashing Mag
Scott Clark
Ruud van Wijngaarden
Purely Blue
Nicholas Patten
Mr Bubble
Misty Girl
Merryl Zdatny
Melissa Scroggins
Mail Chimp
Kishan Ranna
Kim Dean Art
Just Tweet it
Grunge Heart

Girly Colorful
Emily Chang
Eclectic Method
Ed Dale
Eco Candles
Echos Of Dreams
Dunkin Donuts
Design kyle
Design Feeder
CSS Style
CSS Girl
Colorful Light Bulb
Charity Michot
Blink Interactive
And Design
Adrian Herritt
Abstract Figure
6Th Element
If you are not using twitter start tweeting now. And if you already have a twitter account make it more sophisticated and attractive by using different designs of twitter backgrounds.
Awesome stuff!
Nice compilation. My favorite is Oreo. It is minimalist and looking fresh. 😉
By the way, my Twitter profile: https://twitter.com/#!/numancebi
Backgrounds characteristic,
Thank you veru much.
thanks for appreciation