33 Best Free HTML5 Tutorials

Technology is evolving like anything and before we learn one thing, a completely new thing is introduced in the web world. In such situations, leading the rat race can be very difficult. As a developer or designer, you should keep yourself up to date so that you can always stay one step ahead of your competitors. HTML5 is the most happening things these days and with the passage of time, HTML5’s importance will only increase in the web world. As a developer or designer, you should prepare for yourself for HTML5’s boom.  If you start learning it now, by the time it becomes a necessity, you will be a master at it and this is exactly what will give you an edge over others.

With previous versions of HTML, designers could only fantasize about a lot of things but, thanks to HTML5 they are now capable of creating those things. With HTML5, the web pages can be more semantic by via structure particular tags.  Designers and developers have the ability to craft drag and drop functionality and a lot more.

You May be Interested in HTML5 players,  HTML5 Frameworks, HTML5 Tools,  HTML5 coding Tools, HTML5 Web Forms and HTML5 Web Based Apps.

33 Best Free HTML5 Tutorials

If you are about to learn the HTML5 tool, the best way to do it is by exploring and learning through tutorials. Following the tutorials and practicing is all you need to do. Now, to save you from endless research and hopping from one page to another to find best tutorials, we have compiled a list of the best html5 tutorials and enlisted them here. These tutorials will definitely help you in learning more about HTML5.

Create an Audio Player

In this tutorial, you will able to create audio player using html5, css3 and jquery. This audio player supports all browsers using flash and Silverlight.

Create an Audio Player


Thecodeplayer.com is a great way to learn HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and a lot more. You will find walkthroughs of code writing and view demos as well.

1 - Thecodeplayer

Create an Video Player

In this tutorial, you will able to create video player using html5, css3 and jquery. This video player supports all browsers using flash and Silverlight.

Create an Video Player

An Introduction to the HTML5 Gamepad API

This allows you to connect and use your old console’s gamepad in your computer and utilize it for various browser based games.

2. An Introduction to the HTML5 Gamepad API

Creating a Mobile-First Responsive Web Design

Since responsive designing is the new ‘IN’ things, this tutorial will help you in designing a responsive website.

3. Creating a Mobile-First Responsive Web Design

Create an Upload Form using jQuery, CSS3, HTML5 and PHP

Plupload allows you to upload files using HTML5 Gears, Silverlight, Flash, BrowserPlus or normal forms, providing some unique features such as upload progress, image resizing and chunked uploads.

Create an Upload Form using jQuery, CSS3, HTML5 and PHP

Using semantic HTML

This article will develop your interest in semantic HTML and you will for sure look for more information on it.

HTML5 Demos and Examples

You will find some of the best HTML examples and demos on this website and that too according to the browsers.

5. HTML5 Demos and Examples

WebGL 2D Translation

First chapters can actually help you a lot in getting started with HTML5. Obvious stuff but helpful.

6. WebGL 2D Translation

HTML5 Web Applications

For browser compatibility related to HTML5, you should visit this website. It has everything to offer you.

7. HTML5 Web Applications

Getting Started with the HTML5 Track Element

If you want to add subtitles, captions, descriptions and chapters in Audios and Videos, this track element is the best for you.

8. Getting Started with the HTML5 Track Element

Move the Web Forward

For beginners, this is a good reference. You will find some best HTML5 examples here.

9. Move the Web Forward

Capturing Audio & Video in HTML5

No more unreliable browser plugins. Learn how to capture audio/video with HTML5.

10. Capturing Audio & Video in HTML5

Understanding HTML5 and CSS3 for Web Design

Discover a lot of new tools with HTML5 and CSS3 for web development and designing.

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With a passion for Knowledge, Smashinghub has been created to explore things like Free Resources For Designers, Photographers, Web Developers and Inspiration.

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  1. Alex hales says:

    Thanks alot for the great tutorials its very useful.

  2. Great resources. HTML5 is that the future obviously. But these days we have a tendency to still have to be compelled to fight with IE est compatibility issues…hope lately are going to be presently simply a memory.

  3. Ayaz Malik says:

    Good collection! HTML5 is the next big dude in the neighbourhood !