30 Best Free and Premium Magazine WordPress Themes

The trends on the web change quickly and frequently. WordPress is one of the most popular and widely used blogging platform on web, and is a is a comprehensive CMS (Content Management System); thus, a plethora of amazing free and premium WordPress themes is present out there. People are always looking for best themes that will make their blog or website look stylish, beautiful and easy to navigate. So because of this, magazine style WordPress themes are one of the most popular and wanted styles.

WordPress is a great platform as it boasts many features and advantages. Magazine style themes are almost always quite feature rich and they also ameliorate the look and feel of your website or blog. Many magazine users have started utilizing internet for sharing their information. It requires less marketing, while it allows the magazines to grow much faster with the themes. The free and premium magazine WordPress themes present online are very handy and easy to use. These themes let you create a great website, without spending much time or money.

These themes are also easily customizable and can be personalized according to your choice. Business websites will also find them really helpful, as they allows users to manage many posts on one page which makes it more organized. These themes are a great solution for small and medium businesses too. One of the best thing about these themes is that it boasts more featured content previews than plain written text. It gives your website a professional look and has great advertisement placement too.

It is a fact that these themes need a great deal of editing, but they have some really handy features. Magazine WordPress themes are a nice choice if you want to make money out of each visit to your website. These themes look just like paper magazines, with a big spaces for headlines, photos, links and feature articles, which you can modify according to your choice. The themes are also very easy to download and install on your PC.

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Free Magazine WordPress Themes





Render Magazine Theme

Render Magazine Theme

Polar Media Magazine WordPres Theme

Polar Media Magazine WordPres Theme

Oracle Mag Theme

Oracle Mag Theme

Premium Magazine WordPress Themes

Continuum – Magazine WordPress Theme

Continuum - Magazine WordPress Theme

Deadline – Premium WordPress News / Magazine Theme


Avenue – A WordPress Magazine Theme


Newscast 4 in 1 – WordPress Magazine and Blog

Newscast 4 in 1 - WordPress Magazine and Blog

BigFeature – WordPress Theme


Repro – Premium WordPress News / Magazine Theme

Repro - Premium WordPress News - Magazine Theme

theDawn Premium All-in-one WordPress Theme

theDawn Premium All-in-one WordPress Theme

Boulevard – A WordPress Magazine Theme

Boulevard - A WordPress Magazine Theme

Big City – Personal and Blog WordPress theme

Big City - Personal and Blog WordPress theme

Reaction WP : Responsive, Rugged, Bold

Reaction WP  Responsive Rugged

Super Skeleton WP: Responsive

Super Skeleton WP

London Live 3 In 1

London Live 3 In 1

Sprout – Magazine & Blog WordPress Theme


Insignia – a Magazine / Community / Blog theme


Mosaico – Unique Magazine Theme


Brewpper – A Premium & Dynamic News Theme


SwagMag – WordPress Magazine


Bangkok Press – Responsive, News

Bangkok Press

A – Personal Blog WordPress Theme

A - Personal Blog WordPress Theme

Backstreet – Blog & Magazine Theme

Backstreet - Blog & Magazine Theme

Retro Portfolio

Retro Portfolio



Strings Music and Art Magazine WordPress

Strings Music and Art Magazine WordPress

Website – responsive WordPress theme

Website - responsive WordPress theme

Advance WordPress Magazine

Advance WordPress Magazine

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With a passion for Knowledge, Smashinghub has been created to explore things like Free Resources For Designers, Photographers, Web Developers and Inspiration.

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  1. ravi das says:

    really nice collection of themes.I am currently searching for some themes.By the way nice site man

  2. Zoey says:

    I love the Retro Portfolio theme! It’s so simple and efficient. I will surely use it as an inspiration point for future projects. I prefer to make my own themes using Lubith, beacuse I always want to make designs as personal as possible, but I always look for design resources whenever I can. Great list thanks!

  3. Soysal says:

    Great collection. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Brian says:

    great selection! – thanks for the quality Continuum – Magazine WordPress Theme

  5. Great collection. Thanks for sharing..

  6. Andy's says:

    Always with great collection of wp themes, thanks for the quality magazine themes, i love the list.

  7. karthik says:

    One Small Comment What Is The Name Of The WordPress Theme For “SmashingHub” i.e Ur Website Please Reply Me Quickly…Im Waiting….

  8. Ankur says:

    Thats is great selection of free themes. I am sure to pick one for my site.

    PS: Which theme does smashinghub use 🙂 , its great.

  9. ali.h.k says:

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