25 Creative Resumes That Speak Your Ability

The most important thing when it comes to applying for a job is a resume or CV. It will be the first impression on your ‘maybe’ future-employer, even before they get to interview you. It can actually play a greater role in your employment than the interview itself. Some employers will solely depend on the CV of the employee when giving away a job.

Designers usually have similar skills and techniques, but what matters is which one has more creativity. Designers can be certified in Photoshop, but this thing does not ensure that they are creative and innovative. Knowing a lot of tricks and techniques can definitely make your work quicker, how can you use it efficiently if you don’t have creativity? A lot of designer lack certification, but they can create some really nice work because they are excessively creative. So you have to have both, creativity and the necessary techniques to strike a balance and create some awesome work.

Most of the firms/agencies value the fact that visual work speaks for itself. So a different and unique CV is quite important. It shows your personality and creativity, and tells people what you are capable of. So creating a unique CV is actually worth it. You should always remember that your employer will see your CV first, and then comes your portfolio and interview. So in order to help you get some inspiration we will be presenting some really cool examples. Check them out, get inspired, create an awesome CV and get employed!

Sabrina Saccocio & Her Facebook Resume

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Jonathan Kaczynski & His Subway Map Resume


Joe Kelso & His Old-School Movie Poster Resume


Chuck D. Lay & His Old-School Newspaper Style Resume


T-shirt Resume


Melissa Washin & Her Sewn Fabric Resume


Eric Gandhi & His Google Resume


Benjamin Dooling & His Coffee Bag Resume


Shakira Twigden & Her Badass Typographic Resume

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Brian Moose & His Vintage Resume Package

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Sarah Odgers & Her 3D Resume


Miguel Rato & His Milk Box Resume

Mike Freeman & His Bookable Resume

Kristian Leigh Walsh & His Board Game Resume


Resume by Anna Yenina

Personal Resume Draft by Steven Duncan

Graphic Design Resume by SunnyBlack

Resume Advice by Gusbodr

Server Resume by Orange Resume

Curriculum Vitae by Greg Dizzia

Curriculum Vitate by Sofiane42

Curriculum Vitae by Uito2

Curriculum Vitae by fede-moral

Curriculum Vitae by 802.11

Character Resume by SeanMcNally

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With a passion for Knowledge, Smashinghub has been created to explore things like Free Resources For Designers, Photographers, Web Developers and Inspiration.

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