Understanding the correlation between website design and conversion
If you are in the business of selling a product, a service or even information, you want to make a profit. That’s a given. For those just venturing into the world of e-commerce, it is important to recognize just how important the correlation is between website design and your conversion rate. A website that has been poorly designed can cost you sales but a website that has all the right features can increase your bottom line beyond your wildest expectations. Let’s examine some of the elements of a well-constructed site that can easily lead to conversions. (That’s what it’s all about, isn’t it?)

Uncluttered and easy to navigate
The very first, and arguably most important, element of an effective website is one that is uncluttered and easy to navigate. If the visitor can’t find his or her way around they are liable to bounce right off and go somewhere else. No one likes to waste their time on something they are not interested in, so make it easy for them to quickly spot what they are looking for.
If potential customers need to locate items on internal pages, by all means make it easy for them to spot where to click. So many websites are obscure in this regard and the visitor never ends up finding the product or price in question. If you want to sell something you need to place it where it can be found. Would you buy something unseen? Probably not.
Easy to read comparison charts/graphics
When customers have several options, it helps to have everything laid out in black and white before their eyes, figuratively speaking that is. Maybe you offer three levels of service, all of which have different features and of course, different prices. Laying them out side by side is the easiest way for a customer to compare products and to choose which one best suits their needs.
On the other hand, if they have to hunt around on your site by flipping back and forth between pages, you may lose the sale right then and there. Who can remember from one moment to the next what was said about something on the last page they landed on? This is another important element that should be kept in mind when having a website developed to market your line of products.
Easy to use shopping cart
Once a visitor has decided to buy what you are selling, make it easy for them to check out. How many times have you waited in line at a local retailer for what seems like forever? Many times you see customers so frustrated with the wait that they simply throw their items off to the side and walk out.
The same holds true for online merchants. The customer is there ready to spend money but can’t figure out how to pay for their purchase. You will lose them quite quickly so make sure you have an easy-to-use shopping cart where the checkout process is quick and painless.
These are just some of the elements of a website that if designed well can lead to conversions. There is a direct correlation between design and sales, which a professional web design team such as Lead to Conversion should be able to help you with.
Once you have created the perfect website, then it is time to find out more about digital marketing services. There is not much point marketing a website that has poor conversion rates.