15 Really Useful WordPress Plugins That Every Blogger Should Know
WordPress blogs are becoming social day by day, giving readers the ability to bookmark your site to a number of services, let them know you better in more ways than just your comments section and view your activity on a variety of social sites. Search enhancement plugins are very essential for WordPress as they allow multiple enhancements on making searches within the page and also provides an extensive moderation view so administrators and editors can see posts awaiting approval and publish or delete them. I’ve compiled a list of plugins that will let you make your WordPress blog more social.

1) After The Deadline: After the Deadline is such a plugin that helps you to write better by spending less time in editing in a way that when you activate the plugin and click the proofread link above a textbox, the plugin will check the content for spelling, style, and grammatical errors. It supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.
2) Insights: Insights is a powerful WordPress plugin which is designed to help you in adding more content into your articles. What you just need to do is highlight a set of words and then enter those words into the search field that will be below your content form of the creation/edit post part of WordPress. Then select what area you want to search. You can also insert links to blog posts into keywords when writing a new post.
3) All In One SEO Pack: All in One SEO Pack is one of the most recommended WordPress plugins. This plugin allows users to tweak the title of a post, and add keywords and description to it.
4) Akismet: Many bloggers mostly complaint of commenter’s being wrongfully flagged as spammers. Akismet is a spam filtering plugin that protects your site from being spammed. It tries to filter link spam from blog comments and spam TrackBack pings.
5) GrowMap Anti SpamBot Plugin: It is a fact of life when owning a blog, you will eventually start receiving spam comments. While it is annoying to receive the spam, there are many plugins available that can help you get rid of them. The GASP plugin is used to stop spam which seems to be such a simple concept, but then again, sometimes the simple concepts tend to work the best.
6) CommentLuv: Comments are a wonderful thing to receive on your blog. By using this plugin, you can give something back to your blog spot straight away by including a titled link for their last blog post or tweet on the end of their comment.
7) Comment Redirect: As comments are very precious for every blogger to receive, in the same way your first time commenters are precious people, once you realize that they’re first time commenters. This plugin allows you to redirect just those people to a page of your choosing!
8) Contact Form 7: Contact form 7 is a plugin that gives a very good image to your readers and commenters. It basically shows that you are just one click away from your readers. It allows you to flexibly design the form and mail. You can manage multiple contact forms as well.
9) Do Follow: DoFollow is simply an internet term which is given to web pages or sites that are not utilizing “NoFollow.” It’s basically created to help the blogging community in reducing the number of inserted links into a “comment” area of a blog page. It also supports besieged webmasters in prohibiting spammers from gaining any kind of advantage by inserting an unwanted link on a popular page.
10) Subscribe to Comment: If you want to know via email when someone has replied to any comments or blog posts that you made, Subscribe to comment is the right plugin for this. This email notification encourages blog postings to turn into actual two-way conversations in a way that other blogging platforms have never equalled.
11) FD Feedburner Plugin: This plugin redirects the main feed and optionally the comments feed to your feedburner address. It does this flawlessly without the need to modify templates, or asking users to migrate to a new feed.
12) Feed Stats For WordPress Plugin: This plugin automatically update statistics on daily basis. It makes available a number of statistics about your blog, including number of posts, trackbacks, users and categories, comments, PageRank, and many more.
13) Login Lockdown: This plugin was designed to stop hackers from gaining access to your blog, something which is quite common with WordPress blogs nowadays. It records the IP address and timestamp of every failed login attempt. If more than a certain number of attempts are detected within a short period of time from the same IP range, then the login function is disabled for all requests from that range.
14) Google Analyticator: Google Analyticator was the first Google Analytics tracking plugin for WordPress. It is now one of the most popular tracking plugins that can be used with WordPress. It easily adds Google Analytics tracking support to a WordPress-powered blog. It also supports all of the tracking mechanisms that Google Analytics supports.
15) Highlight Author Comments: In making authors comment distinguished among others by highlighting author comments using a different background color, border or different style of text helps readers understand when you have personally posted a response. And this can be done easily now by using CSS code with the help of this plugin.
Awesome post! 🙂
I would add nRelate’s Related Content plug-in to this list: http://nrelate.com/install/ – I use it on a number of my blogs and it works great!
nice post…
please visit this..
great work thanks!!! for sharing such plug-ins
thx for sharing. Some of these plugins are great, I’ve installed a view of them.
Comment Luv and After the Deadline.
Awesome Collection Thanks For The Share..