10 Extremely (Yet Informative) Infographic
Infographics are graphic visual representations of data and information and it is the best way to visualize an idea or a thought. On the other hand infographics is one of the mainly complicated types of design because of the creation process. It takes a lot of research and gathering of precise information that would later have to be displayed visually. Possibly the hardest part is to illustrate the results of the research because the designer needs to hit the maximum number of viewers that are able to understand his message. Below are the Creaitve examples of Infographic.
Software Wars

Historical Browser Statistics

The Most Prescribed Psychiatric Drugs

Social Media Infographic

Facebook vs Twitter Infographic

Twitter Territory

Geological Time Spiral

Flickr User Model, v0.3

These are all so creative! I hope to start designing infographics soon, I think it’d be a lot of fun. 🙂
Wow that is really cool. Good graphics.
interesting infographics thanks a lot for sharing………