25 Fresh and Extremely Useful jQuery Plugins
jQuery has totally revolutionized the way web developing was done. It has enabled developers to create extremely impressive, beautiful and interactive websites and web applications, and that too quite easily. The thing that makes jQuery really handy and makes it every developer’s preferred choice is the availability of plugins. jQuery plugins are really useful and helpful for developers. So to help you find the best plugins out there.
We have a list of 25 Fresh and Extremely Useful jQuery Plugins. The plugins in this list vary in functionality, from navigation improvements to creating upload forms to image viewing improvements, but one thing is common in them: They all are extremely useful. So check them out and pick the ones you need!
Create a Beautiful Password Strength Meter


Growing Thumbnails Portfolio


Timeline Portfolio

Websanova Paint

Making a Page Flip Magazine with turn.js


Change Image on Click with jQuery

How to Code a jQuery Rolodex-Style Countdown Ticker


Building an E-mail Request Invite Form with jQuery


Responsive Horizontal Layout


Create Calendar using jQuery and CSS3

Parallax Contenet Slider with jQuery


How to Create an Upload Form using jQuery and PHP

Slideshow with Jmpress


Orman Clark’s Vertical Navigation Menu: The CSS3 Version

Swatch Book with CSS3 and jQuery

The Wookmark jQuery plugin

How to Create a Slider Plugin with jQuery

Thanks for featuring the Wookmark Plugin. If anybody uses it on their site or has questions about it, I’d love to hear from you.
Great collection Ali! A source of inspiration. Really, jQuery is going to be the future for good website design. The possibilities are endless, we just need to be creative!