12 Coolest Conceptual Gadgets You May Have Never Seen Before

In this modern and advanced age technology to get people interested in getting into this new and innovative instruments. Some of these gadgets exists some or not. Hope so, it can be extremely high chance of getting into production anywhere in the future. Here are some really cool concept gadgets, just concepts for now but we really hope it’ll be implemented, that inspires. May be some will be upcoming gadgets soon. If we happened to missed something impressive, please let us know in comment.

iPhone5 concept (iphone5 coming on October as Reports)

The Internet is abuzz once again with rumors of the inevitable iPhone 5

Coolest Conceptul Gadgets You May Have Never Seen Before
Egg Computer Mouse

Elecom’s Egg computer mouse features beautiful design and comes in a variety of colors that would make even the Easter Bunny proud

Coolest Conceptul Gadgets You May Have Never Seen Before

Ezkey Keypad Computer Mouse (Probably Exist)

One thing that you miss when working from a laptop is a proper keypad. This computer mouse takes care of that problem

Coolest Conceptul Gadgets You May Have Never Seen Before

Hand Grenade Computer Mouse

Unique computer mouse mod: hand grenade, don’t pull the pin!

Coolest Conceptul Gadgets You May Have Never Seen Before

Giant Keyboard

Created by Maurin Donneaud, this giant keyboard rolls out onto the floor and lets you type with your feet.

Coolest Conceptul Gadgets You May Have Never Seen Before

Glass Keyboard

Futuristic “no-key” keyboard concept designed by Kong Fanwen.

Coolest Conceptul Gadgets You May Have Never Seen Before


Future Internet Search

All you need to do is point the tablet at any object and you should get search results as good as Google’s, just more interactivity.

Coolest Conceptul Gadgets You May Have Never Seen Before

Blue Sky I’m Watch Syncs with Your iPhone

Smart watches are the way of the future, and the design studio Blue Sky have come up with the touchscreen I’m Watch, that syncs with your smartphone via Bluetooth.
Coolest Conceptul Gadgets You May Have Never Seen Before


Cellphone Code

This phone uses haptic technology to provide physical feedback for making a call. To turn it on…twist a section, to dial a number…twist a bunch of sections, to make an international call…break your wrist!

Coolest Conceptul Gadgets You May Have Never Seen Before

Capsule Radio Clock

Not rocket science, but definetely cool to get one

Coolest Conceptul Gadgets You May Have Never Seen Before

Pixel Perfect Hour Glass

Title says it all. A perfect gadget anyone wants to own, I suppose?

Coolest Conceptul Gadgets You May Have Never Seen Before


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  1. triston says:

    my wish list

    1. iphone5
    2. egg mouse
    3. glass keyboard

    more than enough for me


  2. taimoor says:

    i will buy iphhone5

  3. Cheshire says:

    The first five items all look uncomfortable, impractical, and cumbersome to use…

  4. Mario says:

    Cool stuff. The Glass keyboards is all kinds of gorgeous.