33 Breathtaking Examples Of Night Scene Photography

Night Photography often got its own attraction and capturing good night photography requires your skills and also whether your camera is capable of night photography. It is tricky job for Professional photographers in low lights but it is very worthwhile in terms of its popularity and extraordinary results. You would appreciate talent of these Professionals. But by getting common with the shutter speed, lightning, exposures, and taking advantages of surrounding objects.

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Here is 33 Breathtaking Examples Of Night Scene Photography.

Credit Goes to : Raymó

Credit Goes to : Winston Setiawan

Credit Goes to : Jørgen Opsann

Credit Goes to : Martin zalba

Credit Goes to : Lev Tsimring

Credit Goes to : Martin zalba

Credit Goes to : Ingo Dumreicher

Credit Goes to : Jordi Gallego

Credit Goes To : bkaree

Credit Goes To : bkaree

Credit Goes To : Fbaillet

Credit Goes To : Jan-Vidar Bakker

Credit Goes To : hmnx

Credit Goes To : serdal

Credit Goes To : Amos Trabulski

Credit Goes To : wony

Credit Goes to : martin zalba

Credit Goes To : Mario Jean

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With a passion for Knowledge, Smashinghub has been created to explore things like Free Resources For Designers, Photographers, Web Developers and Inspiration.

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  1. Some of these pictures are just mindblowing..

  2. DP Shots says:

    Nice photographs. I really like the first one. I have a D300 and I can’t take pics like that 😉

  3. alien says:

    Exelent!!! Bauty pics…

  4. Tibalt says:

    Interesting that some places at night look beautiful and some on the contrary kinda scary. Like this one http://photo-moment.org/gallery/d/479-2/fear.jpg

    I like the winter shot, not ordinary object 🙂

  5. Jim says:

    the surfer by the pier that looks industrial is my favorite. great use of light and colors.

  6. Mute Pixel says:

    Once i tried to catch a photograph on a moon. It was brutal, i couldn’t get the white balancing to work perfect.
    However i end up getting this photo :
    Moon in Mute Pixel

    I was wondering how this picture has been taken
    Moon in here

  7. Exquiso says:

    Very beauriful photos. Magnificent. But many of them are photoshoped in my opinion. Still great though but are kind of not typical night scene photography examples. Nice uploads anyway. Thanks

  8. Martokus says:

    Are they all real? I just cannot believe that they are not PS-ed… Amazing

  9. Mark Fulton says:

    I've always wondered… Is it possible to capture what humans see in dim moonlight? The photos here all have some more significant sources of light.