8 cool tools and app for lawyers
A wide variety of web-based systems have been developed to assist individuals operating in specific markets, from doctors to publishers to app developers; but for years web-based tech to help lawyers have been few and far between. Here we’ll suggest a few great tools which serve a variety of functions to help law professionals, from seamlessly connecting attorneys and clients to storing key briefs.

Essentially a PDF reader, viewer, and organizer, Goodreader allows the seamless reading and organization of PDFs. Sure, the Adobe Acrobat app is similar, but requires a dedicated web connection, as the storage of all its files happens on the cloud. Goodreader saves hard files, ensuring that all of your documents are a touch away, even when you’re without wifi or internet. And unlike Acrobat, it syncs with all your third-party services, from dropbox to your website’s FTP client.

Ever needed to do legal research on the go? Fastcase gives you swift access to primary law from every state, as well as federal coverage. Whether you’re needing to research briefs, cases, regulations, or other law, Fastcase keeps it all at your fingertips. It even keeps newspapers on file! It’s like having a web browser specifically for legal issues. It’s so comprehensive that more than 21 state bar associations offer Fastcase for their members.
Lawyers who must take a great deal of depositions may benefit from snagging the Depose app. Though pricey (for an app) at roughly $8, it offers deposition templates, but also allows you to choose from a list of questions to create your own. Need to change the order of questions while asking? You can do this with the swipe of a finger. And of course, each question has ample room for notes.
CLE Mobile
Need CLE credits, but want to take them on the go? LegalEdCenter released its CLE Mobile app, which gives you mobile access to a wide roster of classes all available for CLE credit. It allows you to easily pause in the middle of a class should you need to, and verifies your engagement intermittently. The app itself is entirely free, though of course the classes it offers aren’t.
Black’s Law Dictionary
No need to purchase and lug around this hefty tome! Now you can get the full dictionary all on an app. Perhaps most useful to law students, this app is easy to search and makes finding even the most outlandish legal terms a breeze.

Don’t have a scanner on-hand? Download this app at any app store, which allows you to use your camera’s function to ‘scan’ documents, business cards, even whiteboard writing into an editable text document. Though this app costs just shy of $10, it’s a lot better than having to manually transcribe documents in lieu of a scanner, and can save startup offices the cost of a scanner.

Need to organize court dates? SmartDocket allows you access to the court calendars of jurisdictions at no more cost than a free email registration. Using it, you can set triggers for specific dates which send emails, modify your calendars, and otherwise organize docket schedules!
Need a verified signature on a document before you can send it? The sign-n-send app makes it easy for users to add a verified signature to documents before sending. The best benefit of this app is that it plugs into your mail and web browser, meaning you don’t even need to separately open the app: just sign and send!

Selecting a jury is often still done with piles of notes. But the JuryTracker app allows users to categorize potential jury members by demographic and to make comprehensive notes. Designed by a trial technology consultant, it focuses on making all the most significant aspects of jury selection and monitoring easy. From being able to select emoticons to indicate a juror’s mood to generating PDF reports of your notes, it’s a must-have!