4 fastest ways to start selling products online

As an aspiring retailer with dreams of making big money selling products online, it can be easy to become overzealous and search for the fastest road to riches. There’s no doubt that the internet provides the most plausible ways for the average person to start earning a sizable income within one year, with no prior education or credentials required. While we can’t give you a “get rich quick scheme,” we can give you a bit of a head start by showing you the four quickest ways you can start selling products online today.

selling products online


1. Start a Store in an Online Marketplace

Assuming you already have the inventory or some products from around the house laying around, your fastest and easiest route to get rid of the things you have on hand would be to open a store in an online marketplace like eBay or Etsy. If you have legitimate supplier/source for your products and you intend to run the business on an ongoing basis, you may want to consider other major marketplaces like Amazon or NewEgg as well.


2. Do Business on Classified Sites

Another quick way to sell items in your local region is to list ads on classified sites like Craigslist or Kenji. Posting an ad on one of these sites is a simple process for just about anyone, and they provide all the tools you need to publish a detailed ad, complete with pictures and multiple forms of contact information. To increase your chances of making a sale as quickly as possible, try listing your products on several of the top classified sites at the same time.

Such services can be applied to properties as well. If say, I want to sell my house fast in Orange County, I would place ads in a couple of such classified sites to increase my chances of selling.

3. Build Your Own Online Store

If you’re serious about launching a lucrative online store, your best bet would be to setup a store on your own website using an online store builder. Domain registration and hosting fees are relatively inexpensive, especially when you consider the authority having your own gives you over the operation of your e-commerce shop. You’ll be able to conduct transactions without being charged a commission. If you expect to be conducting a large amount of sales, those commissions can add up, not to mention the fact that you’ll constantly be compared to other stores if you choose to compete in an online marketplace instead.


4. Sell a Digital Product or Service on a Freelance Site

Finally, if you have a digital product like an eBook, guide, or informational course, or plan on offering a service like web design, graphic design, or writing, then perhaps the best avenue to take would be the freelancing route. Sites like Freelancer, Elance, oDesk, and Digital Point provide easy entry points for anyone trying to market a digital product or service to a broad range of clients. To increase your chances of getting work faster, try signing up for several of the top freelancing sites, and be sure to post your own threads as well as apply for client-posted projects.


Slow Down and Take Your Time

In closing, while the above four methods can have you selling products/services online in literally one day, don’t make the common novice mistake of rushing into any endeavour just because it is the fastest or easiest route. In the long-term, you might find that your efforts could’ve been better spent by committing to a slightly more difficult and time-consuming route, like building your own store from scratch.

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